Thursday, August 26, 2010

Malaysia vs. Indonesia, AGAIN?

Saw the news last night. Apparently those two are clashing AGAIN.
Very sad.
Because i have planned a trip to Jakarta this weekend.
Why we have to keep fighting?
Is it because the abuse issue?
Or is it because the culture and song issue?
Really? Is it worth it?
I am a Malaysian who loves Indonesia.
I loves their cultures, I loves their movies,
and I loves their beautiful places.
Every year I will make a trip to visit different parts of Indonesia.
At least once a year. Usually twice. Thought of visiting Mt. Bromo or Lake Toba next year.

This is Mt. Bromo. There is no way that I'm gonna climb that.

This is Lake Toba. This is a definite GO, GO!

In my opinion, i find that Indonesians are friendly and polite kind of people (except for the BENDERA group). Yes, truly. During my last visit in Bandung, i always find my self smiling back at strangers at sidewalks. And it's very easy to have a nice conversation with the taxi driver, or ojek driver, or sales girl, or waiter, or anyone.

I won't let small irritable childish acts like throwing poops to some country embassy, or burning some country flags, clouds my judgment. I believe that as long as there are mothers and children in that place, you can still find kindness there.

And as for the BENDERA (People’s Bastion for Democracygroup) of people, I feel sorry for them. Being the puppet of someone else, that is the saddest thing. Well, I do hope that they get paid by the puppeteer for their efforts.

So, am I still going to Jakarta this weekend despite all the warnings I received from family, friends and government? H**l yes I am! So, if I'm not back to update this blog 2 weeks from now, you can assume that I might be captured and hold hostage by the BENDERA.

Until then, wish me luck.

Friday, August 20, 2010

to be, or not to be

..that is the question

I always wake up in one morning and wonder if i'm still gonna be here tomorrow. Not that i'm low on spirit or suicidal or anything. It's just that i still have millions of things that i wanted to do. And i feel that every day i'm wasting one more day in my life when i know that i can do more than this. I certainly do!

I know that being here, at this moment, in my position, right now, can be very comfortable. I should be grateful of having my own room, a comfy chair and a little say in the office. But these are the things that make me lazy. When things get easier, that's when we start to become lazy . We need pressures to make us moving. Just like the coal need pressure to become precious gemstone.

All that leads me to this point, where i'm thinking whether i should RESIGN from my current job as an engineer. Right now, i'm playing 3 roles, boutique owner, engineer and director of my own construction company. Letting the engineer role go means letting the good night sleep that i had been having for almost all my life. This means that i'm gonna have to step out of my comfort zone. What it's gonna be?