Monday, May 23, 2011

Erul (AF9) vs Akim (AF7)

There this show called Akademi Fantasia in Malaysia that got my attention recently. AF short for Akademi Fantasia is something like the American Idol. But in AF the contestants were to live together in one place and get the chance to study under some of the noted music teachers and accomplished singers. The goal of this show is to find the most talented performer. And like every other reality shows, there's an elimination every week. Initially there were 12 people in the show and now down to 5. And my favorite is this bubbly young lad named Erul.

So i was following the weekly concert, and on the 6th concert, Erul is singing a song by one of the AF contestant on season 7. Now is the 9th season. I never heard the song before, but after Erul sang it i immediately fell in love with the song. I felt that Erul has presented the song so well that i have to hear it again. And you know what the judges' comments? They said that he was trying too hard. ?. I mean what kind of comment is that? You run out of idea? I thought in a competition the contestant should give their 500%? Another comment saying that the feeling was in the song was forced. ?. I melted when i heard Erul sing, and i was only sitting in front of the TV. Maybe the judges should just sit well, pay attention and do what they had been paid to do.


Cubalah kau mengerti Can you try to understand
Perasaan hatiku What my heart is feeling
Ku cinta kamu I love you
Hanya itu aku tahu That is all i know

Dan takkan terulang lagi And never again i will repeat
Silapku yang dulu My past mistake
Meninggalkanmu Leaving you
Untuk kedua kali takkan berlaku Will never happen for the second time

Chorus Chorus
Aku akan selalu I will always
Menjaga dan mencintaimu Take care of you and love you
Aku janji padamu I promise this to you
Takkan menduakanmu I will never have another but you

Dan takkan terulang lagi And never again i will repeat
Silapku yang dulu My past mistake
Meninggalkanmu Leaving you
Untuk kedua kali takkan berlaku Will never happen for the second time

Ulang Chorus Repeat Chorus

Aku janji padamu I promise to you
Akan mencintaimu To always love you

Thursday, May 19, 2011


Because i'm in a good mood today, i want to share with you my secret. It's a spell for recovering things that you lost. Found this spell somewhere on the web. It's a wiccan's. Those who choose not to believe in supernatural power kindly ignore this post.

I use to chant the spell more than 10 times everyday since my car incident. Every time i chant the spell i would concentrate my mind on the things that i lost. And finally after 15 days, i get my stuffs back. The spell is originally meant for lost things and not for stolen things. But i keep in my mind that my things were actually lost and not stolen. Because you need to literally believe in the words that you're reciting.

I must admit that after 1 week reciting the same spell over and over again, i tend to lose heart. There were many times that i want to just give up and screamed, "Yes, i admit! I was robbed!" But then, i remembered a saying 'if you cannot run, walk then, so you'll keep going". So, tired of chanting, i mumbled the words. Here goes the spell.

Bound and binding, binding bound
See the sight, hear the sound
What was lost, now is found
Bound and binding, binding bound

It may have been the police or the spell that were responsible to the recovering of my stuff, but for me, if two good forces are working towards the same goal, even destiny should makes way for them.

Good News!

Things are finally coming together.

This morning a police detective called me to come down to police station. When i get there, i was informed that the guy who broke into my car and stole my DVD player was caught and arrested. I was there to identify the DVD player and confirmed that it belongs to me. My DVD player was among other things he stole that night. He was put behind bars for 12 months for his crime.

And i finally got my closure.

To be true, i was actually feeling down after the incident. I was not sad for the lost item but rather disappointed. I was disappointed with the thief. I mean how could he done such things to his fellow human beings. Just one look at my car you would know how much i earned every month. The plate number alone already showing that my car probably a 2nd hand, or 3rd hand, or 4th hand used car. I save 10% of my salary every month until i can afford to buy DVD player for my car. And when i finally did, he just took it from me. I look at his photos, i knew that he is just a regular people like me. His body is healthy, fit and 100% capable of working any job. But the only things that makes me different from him, is that i don't have the guts to commit crimes. Yeah i'm a big talker but i chicken out when it involved of breaking the laws. True story, i don't even have a single receipt of summon.

Anyway, i'm so thankful that the police are finally able to solve my case. This case was an eye opener for me. I, now have a great respect to all the police throughout the world. Before this, i used to hear a lot of bad things about police, but you try just for one hour sit in their office, and it will help you to perceive things better.

So, big applause for Malaysian Police.

And thank you so much.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Foul Mood

I have been in a terrible mood lately. And the pictures below are the reason why.

And yeah, that's my car. And the guy in the above photo is a policeman. He's doing the 'CSI' thing to my car. And in the end, the only fingerprints found were my own.

I was not that shaken. At first i went blanked, then came angry before regret tag along and finally stupidness made me smile. Stuffs like this happened to me before. I'm one of those few lucky person who got the chance to taste the varieties of bitter essence of living.

Really, if i looked at it, to sum up my life 6 years since i started working, i have filed 2 police reports, i got tricked for my money 2 times, i have met 2 useless jerks and lose 2 people that i love. And i haven't even counted in the number of minor car accidents i got into.

But life is like this. When bad things happen, you just need to turn the other cheeks. Sound stupid right? When the bad luck comes knocking at your door for the 1oth of times, you wont have the strength to scream at it "Why me!?". Instead, you would just be disgusted of it.

Now that i have an old friend visiting, i just said to her,

"Cliche, been there done that"

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Justin Bieber - Never Say Never

Having watched Michael Jackson's This Is It, i must say that i did not expect other singer would follow that move in anytime soon, considering that no one that great has passed away after MJ. Then Bieber's Never Say Never come out.

I say, this motion picture of Justin Bieber did not meet up to my expectation. And that's okay. Because i get it.

The purpose of this film is not to blow anybody's mind. But rather to show the world of how one boy's dream comes true. If you have yet to watch it, please don't expect any kind of actions, or adventures, or even dramas. I think that this film is only intended for Justin Bieber hardcore fans. Not that i am one. But anyway, i personally love this movie (can it be called a movie?). I even teared up (a little) while watching it. Can't wait for the DVD to come out. Want to get one for my niece. That surely will light her up for months.

What i love about Never Say Never is that, it is a living proof to the saying "good things will happened to good people". I believe in karma. I believe that you will reap whatever it is that you sow. So, i think, Justin Bieber must have saved a country in his past life.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Execution of Plan B

So last week, i was suppose to be in Philippines, but i didn't (stupid me!) because of the volcano scare. Again, stupid me! And guess what? It didn't erupt! I know it's a good thing that it didn't erupt. And of course i don't want the volcano to erupt.

I'm not mad because the volcano didn't erupt. I'm mad because i choose to listen to others instead of my own guts. Stupid me!

You know, when i checked the 10 Most Dangerous Active Volcanoes on Earth, the Taal volcano is at no. 9. So i thought, if i can escaped the Merapi volcano that was listed as no. 6, i'm sure no.9 is not that intimidating. But like the old and wise man saying,


No matter how stubborn i am, or how hard my head is, or how i said that i don't care what others says, i cannot not listen. Because i'm not deaf and i cannot filter words that went in to my ears. So in the end, i yielded.

Lets stop talking about volcano. The thought of volcano makes the sky look grey. Anyway, so instead of going to Philippines, i went home to Tamparuli. I spend almost 1 week by just staying at home and playing with my nieces and nephew. Initially, i have planned either to go on islands hopping or duty free shopping at Labuan. But then i cancelled when my mum was busy opening a new clothing boutique. No fun going alone. Then i planned again to go to a much nearer place. This time is a zoo. But then again, it got cancelled because it was raining whole day. You should see the look on my my niece face when i say CANCEL at that time. It was a deadly glare. And i thought words are shaper than sword.

Labour day celebration on May 1st is a success for me because on that day i just sit at home and do nothing. Anyway, here are the photos i took when i have nothing to do. For me, this are the faces of home and love.

Group photos!

Cherry's birthday. Birthdays are fun when it involves kids.

Cherry and sister. Kids nowadays love to pose for camera.

Cherry and her chocolate.

Remember Arthur? Seriously, this is the kid that loves to pose the most.
Every time i lift my camera, he'll stop whatever he's doing (even crying!)
and he'll stay still, put up the serious face and that means he's ready for camera.

Arthur and mum. Not my mum. His mum.

Shirlen? Cheryln? Can't remember her name. Bad aunt.
We called her "the cry baby" because she cry 98% of the time.
So, the 2nd photos where i got her laughing is indeed precious.

Cherry's classic poses.


To have a grandpa is a blessing.

The beauty (male).

The Beast (female).

The cock. He's a member of the family. Even the cats
are eating from their own bowl, but this fella is eating
from my brother's palm. Which only makes me want
to eat this fella more.

To think of it, i realized that the fact that i was seldom home is the reason why i enjoy so much by just being at home and doing nothing. You see, i went to a boarding school when i was 13 for 5 years, after that i continued study for 1 year in Penang to get certificate, then i went to Perak for 4 years to get a degree. Then i went back to my hometown hoping to get a job. Then after months of job hunting, i finally settled for a job that was 350 miles away from home. After 2 years, i quited and accepted a new job that was a bit closer to home, 208 miles.

And it has been 208 miles for 5 years. Now that i have bought a house here, i see the 208 miles is just 30 minutes flight. Which 30 minutes flight is equal to 1 episode of How I Met Your Mother series. But it'll get better over time. I know it will.