Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Weekend breakaway

So, last Saturday i went to Jakarta. It was a very VERY short trip. I stayed only 1 night and flew back to Malaysia the next day. 

The main purpose of the trip is quite obvious isn't it?

I tell you, a short trip will not promise relaxation. But i can assure you that it will be QUITE a trip.

The rush begin the moment i touchdown Jakarta Airport. My first stop was Balai Kartini.

1 Phantom down, 1 Barritone and 3 Tenors to go.

The highlight of my trip, which i nearly missed. It was actually a funny story. You see, before coming to Jakarta i purposely booked a hotel which i thought within a walking distance to Il Divo's concert venue. I took a taxi to Ritz Carlton because it was already dark. It was supposed to be only 5 minutes taxi ride, and after 10 minutes the taxi still not stopping. I finally started to panic when i saw the Ritz-Carlton building slowly disappearing from my view, and we were still moving even farther away. A few kind of thoughts start playing in my mind, and i CALMLY prepared for the worst possibility. 

Then i gathered all my composure and asked the driver why aren't we going the other direction, and he replied "Because you want to go to Ritz-Carlton Pacific".

Upon hearing those words, i nodded, as if i was approving. Not a trace of emotion on my face. But my heart was jumping and shouting, relief. A tornado just passed and i dodged it.

But i still cannot believe that ME of all people, missed the very important fact that there are actually 2 Ritz-Carlton in Jakarta. I am usually very organized. Prior to visiting a place i will usually do an extensive research of the subject. I will read up to it's ice age history, no kidding.

Still, i do give thanks to God for not testing me especially on that day. Seriously, the thought of jumping out of  the moving taxi did crossed my mind, you know.

Melanconia. Roaring fires. Il Divo's signature backdrop for the song.

My travel essential. I travel light. And of course i bring panties as well.

I'm not sure what time did the show really ended because i leave the ballroom when others still shouting "We want more!". 

Why should i want more if i would see them again in Hong Kong next month?

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Kiss the rain

As i was listening to Sungha Jung playing to the song "Kiss The Rain" last night, i can feel that all the previous madness and tensions slowly start seeping away from me. And it is indeed.

This morning when i checked my astrology forecast, i found out that a new transit starts today.

An exciting transit, i hope.

Enjoy the music.

Monday, February 20, 2012

I have a plan..

for my self.

A plan to prosper. A plan to start new business.

The last time i start a clothing boutique for my mother, it went straight downhill the moment i washed my hands of it. And what did i say about it? Nothing. I know, i'm proud of myself. I'm getting better at controlling myself. Besides, what can i do? Unleash my anger to poor mom? I did consider that option but then i wont be able to forgive myself later.

And i think part of it was my fault. I was so in a hurry to free my hand that i just drop everything and leave. But can you blame me? In addition to the boutique, i also have to serve 2 construction companies, and occasional freelancing works which i cannot say no to. Not because the money is good but rather because it is an obligation to a job called friend.

I plan to start a clothing business AGAIN. Yup, again. But this time it's going to be different. In fact, everything is going to be done in a new way. Instead of selling clothes this time i'm going to make those clothes myself. I know, it's easier said than done. Even my mom think i was being ridiculous. But i'm not. I'm serious as hell. And i'm well aware that the path i plan to take is going to require quite a sacrifice from me. And i'm ready to do just that. So, for that reason, i'm going to let go of the construction business. And i'm not that stupid to quit that sudden. The process will be done in stages. It will probably take 3-6 months, or maybe even a year.

Construction is a good business. Provided you have the guts. I think it's the only business that gives you back 3 folds of your investment within the first month. But you heard what the wise man said, money isn't everything. It took me a while to understand that. Once i did, i realized i must change my way. So, construction for me, is not good for my soul. It's not doing any growth or fulfilling any purpose. When i first ventured into the arena, i thought to myself, "i can't change the world but at least i'm doing something good by building things for the public". How naive of me. After sometimes, when trust is earned, i became one of them, slowly the construction starts to shows its true nature and ugly face. A disgusting sight indeed. But i cannot do anything because i am a nobody. So that is how the idea of doing business on my own come to mind.

Am i scared? Of course i am. I'm more scared of this than dying. And i am even afraid to imagine the reactions i'm going to get later. My mother already told me it's ridiculous the minutes i told her my plan. I'm pretty sure that Mr. will say something like "stupid" or "doom". My friends and colleagues will probably use a nicer terms such as "risky" or "regret". My boss probably betting on the day i come crawling back in. My enemies, without a doubt, will be on their knees praying for my downfall. And family is the last place to look for encouragement.

All i need is someone to believe in me. So, i had no choice but to turn to astrology. And you know what did the astrology say? The planets will smile upon me! That is all i need to hear to drive me forward.

So, it is on!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

A Poem for Your Valentine

I do not love you as if you were salt-rose, or topaz,
or the arrow of carnations the fire shoots off.
I love you as certain dark things are to be loved,
in secret, between the shadow and the soul.

I love you as the plant that never blooms
but carries in itself the light of hidden flowers;
thanks to your love a certain solid fragrance,
risen from the earth, lives darkly in my body.

I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where.
I love you straightforwardly, without complexities or pride;
so I love you because I know no other way

than this: where I does not exist, nor you,
so close that your hand on my chest is my hand,
so close that your eyes close as I fall asleep.

Pablo Neruda
Sonnet XVII, Manana

Saturday, February 11, 2012

the only exception

I know in the past i've said that i will try (not promise) to control my impulsive spending but i'm helpless when it comes to beautiful music. So, put Il Divo and Phantom of the Opera on my tab cause i'm going to watch both of them on the same day in Jakarta at the end of this month.

Sorry Phantom, i will never choose you, not in this lifetime or in any lifetime after this.

And what is with the "Love Never Dies"? If it's not by Gaston Leroux then it's not a sequel. For me, putting a sequel to the Phantom of the Opera is like putting a sequel to the Titanic. A sequel would only degrading the Masterpiece.

I say, let it go.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Psychic me.

I have purchased quite a few readings  for myself recently. The question "why?" is not the point here. What i'm trying to say is, i'm always amused by the way the fortune teller trying to tell you of your flaws.

Luckily i'm not a clairvoyant cause word arranging is definitely not in my blood. If it was up to me, i would shoot straight to the point. Perhaps i would still make an effort to be nice but the end result wont be much different either. For example, "You are by nature are a gold digger so don't waste your time wh**ing around in this field you piece of s**t".

Check out what the fengshui read for me. And don't believe it for a second. Trust me, i'm no such thing.

Since when did i eat only whale? 

I eat sardines and anchovies too, you know!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

A Pause

The shedding project will continue this month. To be precised, i started watching my calories intake again yesterday. I did not quit. I just needed a pause. So next update is due next week. And by the way, while i was on my break (and occasionally pigging out) i actually gained 1.4 pounds.