Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Road Trip!

Going on a road trip with Mr today! We're going on a 3 days business trip to Semporna. Well, for me it's 40% business and 60% is leisure. While we're there i planned on getting on a boat to see the Sipadan, Kapalai and Mabul islands. Especially, Sipadan. One's journey will not be completed until one checked Sipadan Island out of the list.

So, i was packing my bag at 6.00 am this morning and it reminded me of the feeling when i'm travelling. Like asking myself 60 times whether i need to bring another pair of jeans, or should i pack the whole toiletries. I missed that rush mixed with anxiety feelings.

Yes, i know it's hardly a month since my last trip but you know these kind of things can be addictive. No wonder September feels so slow moving. My next trip would be in November, so my guess is that October will be painfully slow as well.

Anyway, did you hear that Airasia got Free Seats promotion again? It's quite a bargain if you asked me. But my problem is that i haven't figured out my next year's trip plan. So it seems that this time, i'm gonna have to pass.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Que sera..

Time indeed fly without us noticing it, isn't it?

Feels just like yesterday i was watching the sakura bloom in April and today September already here. Year 2012 feels like the wind. I don't even realize it's presence. And i have the feeling that by the time this year is over i wont even remember that i have lived through 2012.

In the previous years, usually at this time of the year i will have it all planned for the coming year. But this time i haven't planned anything for 2013. The prospect of year ahead seems empty and foggy. I don't even have any idea where i want to travel next year. I could say that i want to be spontaneous but who am i kidding here? I am far from spontaneous. In fact i am the opposite of spontaneous. So that leave me with only 2 possible conclusions. 2013 will be either wild or dead boring.

But if you asked me what i really wanted to do, i would say that i wish i could leave everything behind and go the other direction. I wish to go up in the mountains and meditate like the monks. I envy them. I envy the blissful life they live. But go with the flow i must.

I desperately in need of a retreat. The longer i stayed the more hateful i become. The world is slowly eating me out. Soon i'm going to lose my mind and there will be no more me. Then it will be all too late.

What a hateful world, isn't it?

Indeed a cruel, hateful world.

I need a new pair of glasses.

Monday, September 3, 2012

to Brisbane and back

So last month i went to Brisbane, Australia.

And for me, there is just one word to describe Brisbane, and that is LOVELY.

I think it's the first time in the history of my life that i actually went out all day when travelling. And when i say 'all day' that means i left the hotel at 9am only to return again at 10pm. One thing for sure is that i did a lot of walking that day (i think). I could easily spend an hour or two at a bookstore. Not once i ventured in the clothing shops. I'm really not anyone ideal shopping buddy cause i don't like spending too much time browsing for clothes. I usually know what i want, so shopping for clothes with me usually will take no more than 7 minutes. Yeah, i know. Both my mum and my sister also hate me for that.

Another half of my time in Brisbane i think i spent on being lost. That's another thing about me, i'm really not good in directions. Seriously, 90% of the time i would pick the wrong direction. Every time i'm on a junction or crossroad, i always have the tendency to choose to go to the road on the right hand side. Okay, let me correct that, i don't tend to, in fact i will always choose the road on my right. Even if there's a little voice inside my head telling me that the right way could be wrong, i would still carry on to the right. It's like i'm programmed to do just that. So getting lost is just one of my traits. Let's just say that is how i roll.

All in all, Brisbane is going to be in one of my favorite cities. Heck, i say Brisbane had me at the Immigration Officer's hello.