Monday, December 31, 2012

Welcoming 2013

My goal for next year is to renounce materialism. Here are the short list of my 2013 resolution;

1. Refrain myself from getting a new gadget. Especially iphone 5. I don't need that. I still have the older version which still works perfectly.

2. Limit my book purchase to only 30 per year. In 2012 i went overboard a little bit by accidently over bought 42 books. My math is pretty bad.

3. Travel less. Less means 2-3 times in a year. I'll probably going to revisit Osaka next year. I love that place. Especially during the spring season when all the sakura in full bloom. The other trip will probably going to be at year end. I haven't decide on the destination, but i'll most probably going to pick somewhere with a snow. It could be Harbin or Sapporo. For some unknown reason i find myself keep coming back to Japan. Come earthquake or tsunami, nothing can scare me off Japan.

So, talk about 2012 accomplishment. I think the thing that i can be proud the most is the fact that i managed to pay off all my credit cards. I have terminated 3 cards earlier this year and now i only maintained 1 card at hand. It's pretty weird not having too much commitment. All of sudden i have an extra 1k every month which i still keep on spending on useless stuff. Therefore, in order to keep things normal again, i decided to get a new commitment. I needed a new car, so i bought a car. I just paid the booking fee this afternoon. The car needs 2 months to be assembled. What type of car i bought? Its a 1.5S Toyota Rush. I like the masculine look of the car. Though it's not a 4 wheel drive.

I have a high expectation on 2013.

Anyway, i have to end this post here cause my cats and i keep fighting over the computer mouse. Very hard to write when there are 3 cats surround you all vying for your attention. This is why i never use computer at home.

So, good night. Bye 2012. Hello 2013.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Shakespeare in love quote..

"I, will have poetry in my life. And adventure. And love. Love above all.
Not the artful postures of love, not playful and poetical games of love, but love that over-throws life.
Unbiddable, ungovernable - like a riot in the heart, and nothing to be done, come ruin or rapture.
Love - like there has never been in a play"

~ Viola, Shakespeare in Love.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Mon petit ange

Time for some eye candy, don't you think?

Here's a photo of Troy tearing up tissue paper then fell asleep later on.

He's not exactly 'petit'. More like overweight. But he's cuter when he's fat. Don't you agree? I think all cat are cuter when they are fat.

My x'mas card

Here's my version of Christmas.

I literally have to jump and shout in order to get all my cats attention when taking their photos. 
And this is the best they can come up with.

Kicking still

4 days to 2013.

The world didn't come to an end on the 21st. That's a good news isn't it? On the 21st December itself, the first thing i did in the morning was to check out the news section. I'd say that i'm pretty amused with the array of news that day. But i must say that still, there's a tiny little bit of relief in me that day.

In my opinions, i think doomsday is inevitable. The only question is when. I don't know what is the significant of 21st December 2012, but in my view, the journey to the end has already began. Sooner or later the past with catch up. We will reap what we sow.

Nostradamus. Mayan. Hopi. Newton. Cayce. The Book of Revelation. They are no fools. To me, knowledge is power. The more you have it, the better you've prepared.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Alien invasion

I had a bad dream last night. I dreamed that alien invaded earth and killing us all. But that was just a dream. Nothing more. Probably because of the '21st December 2012' thing. Yeah, that must be it.

Anyway, my mom are coming to visit me today. She'll probably stay until New Year. Not that i against the idea of spending Christmas with loves one, it's just that after the last few years i thought i finally became accustomed to being alone during this time of the year. That Christmas is just the same as any other day in the year. And with my mom being here is going to reset everything.

On the plus side, i love having my mom around cause she'll always keep my house spotless. And she'll make the kitchen alive once again. Yes, it's all good, except for the fact that i tend to gain weight whenever she's visiting. The irony is that she's on my team when it comes to the matter of losing weight. She could talk all day on that subject alone. We don't say pray before dinner but we talk about potion control. Or calories. Evening tea will be served with exercise topic. She walk the talk. My mother is 51 and she never missed a day without exercising. I, on the other hand, loathe exercise. That is why, whenever she's on with her campaign, i'll find a way to rebel, quietly unnoticed. That'll usually involve lots of junk food.

The victory feeling will always supersede the guilt.

Monday, December 17, 2012


Have you ever heard 2NE1 song 'Ugly'? Well, here's Sungha Jung version of the song.

I feel like crap today. I was chirpy and happy this morning until Mr. walked in to my office and makes me feel crap. I'm in a dead end relationship. And there's no way getting out of it. Unless death be so kind and do us a favor. Of course i don't mind to go first. Then in the next life i would make sure that our fate won't cross each others again. We'll be at least 5000 miles away from each other.

Why didn't i just break free? I don't know. Maybe i'm scared to hurt. Or maybe i'm just a coward. It's not like i haven't tried. I did tried. A couple of times. But in the end, i'm still here. Trapped. It's like i'm paying for my past life sins. Karma won't let me through until i learn the lesson.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Mr. Miau

This is Miau. He died on December 4th, 2012.

When my father passed away 5 years ago, i said to my self, never again i will cry and let my heart hurts like that. Soon after that, my grandmother followed my father steps. And i didn't cried once. I learned that the recipe for not to be hurt again is never begin to care. So, as time goes by, i became meaner. And i thought by now, i had it all under my palms. That nothing can break me.

The joke was on me.

My cat is my kryptonite.

Who would have thought that the silly creature would hold a dear effect on man?

I was there with him when he drew his last breath. I held him in my arms, pleading him to come back. It took me a while to keep it together. I got up, grab a shovel and i finally buried him in my backyard. There was no sweet simple ceremony or memorial for him. I barely breathe when i buried him. Once finished, i took a shower, jump in to my pj, drew all the curtains closed and then i lay still in bed. I tried to sleep hoping to wake up and find that all was but a dream. But in the end, i could not get any sleep for 3 days, and everything became very real that it cannot be altered.

Right now, i'm still in the grieving phase. I feel like i still haven't done crying. Every time i saw his usual lounging spot i will break down to tears. I know that it'll get easier over time. Just like how i've recovered from my father's death, i know that i'll get through this one as well.

Rest in peace, Miau.