Friday, December 31, 2010

2011 New Year Resolution

Believe or not, i have been writing and editing this post for about 3 months now. I have set the posting date to December 31, 2010. Why? Because i don't want to miss making new year resolution like the past years. Last year, i could not even care to make any because i thought there is no point making, if it impossible to achieve. Well, this year i learned my lesson. Impossible or not, it doesn't matter. Because this resolution of ours is who we are. And it's nice to know that you have something to hold on to, or look to, throughout the 365 days of 2011.

So i have listed mine as follows;-

1. Learn new language

I give up to learn Japanese. No reason. The passion dies. I only learn up to 2nd level out of 4. So i chose to learn French.

2. Learn waves surfing

Yup, i'm on it. Will let you know the updates after my trip to Bali in October.

3. Lose "some" weight

I feel that this is the most ridiculous resolution that i keep on renewing every year. But this year i specifically write "some". So even if i manage to lose 2lbs only, i can consider resolution achieved, right?

4. Eat healthy at least 3 times a week

The thing is, i've been watching ANTM 15 recently and there this episode where Karolína Kurková was invited to give pep talk to the girls about taking care of their health. And speak for herself, her skin is simply gorgeous and flawless. It's easy to differentiate her from the contestant even if blind folded because she is practically glowing. So i think to myself, why the hell is not? You don't have to be rich to practice healthy life. Besides, healthy means weight loss for me. Why not kill 2 birds with one stone?

5. Practice yoga at least once a week

This is just one of my ways of trying to be fit. I like to be more specific, okay? So, i don't think that this is gonna be much a problem to me. Believe me, i am more than qualified to be a yoga trainer according to the Wii Fit.

6. Meditate at least once a week

Ever since i tried to incorporate fengshui in my daily life, i become obsess into finding contentment in life. So, as being said by Lilian Too, meditation is to gain inner awareness. Once you able to shut out distractions, your mind will work magics.

I'm gonna skip the "climb mt. kinabalu" resolution this year. Will put it on the 2012 list next next year. If you notice, i did not put exact figure in the goal of all my resolution. I do not wish to be hard on my self. I just want to take 1 step at a time. Be it a big leap or baby step, it doesn't matter. So, have you listed yours?

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

2011 here i come!

I'm going back to my home town the day after tomorrow. I'm plan to drive home just 3 hours after the new year countdown. Not celebrating therefore i'm not drunk to drive. My mother will also drive an meet me halfway. So, on the 1st January 2011, we'll be having a family picnic at this place called Ranau. Ranau is the place where i have my childhood. I'm so excited to have this trip.

Just so you know, i have already bought air tickets for this trip home 2 times because i keep on revising my departure. And in the end, i thought why not drive home? Of course, 5 hours of driving and back pain will never stand up to the 30 minutes of cramped economy airplane seat. So, i told my mother rather than just sitting at home and figuring out what to do with the 364 days ahead, i say why not we visit our village called Kampung Perancangan, located in Ranau. The last time i was there, the roads still not paved and electricity just in. Well i hope the road is better this time. I certainly don't have time to send my car for wheel realignment in this time of the year.

Anyway, the best thing about this place is the river. Here, they have stony, clear and cold rivers. And we will have our picnic by the rivers. For me, i think river is better than swimming pool. Other than the river, Ranau also have a natural hot spring to offer. But hot spring is overrated. So, after the picnic, i plan to bring my family stay for a night in one of the nice resort hotel in Kundasang, which is objected by most of the family members. Why? Because home is just an hour away. But then, isn't that is the point of holiday? Taking a break? Anyway, Kundasang is located near the Mt. Kinabalu.

This is Mt. Kinabalu, photo taken from Wikipedia. You need to have enough balls to climb that. So, i think this shall be my second last post before this year end. The last post will be all about my new year resolution, which i have pre-set the posting date to 31st December 2010. Will update you on the trip after i got back from my holiday.

So, until then, Happy New Year 2011 !

See you in the future.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas !

Happy Christmas everyone!

I don't know about you guys, but my Christmas is superb! I haven't go out from my house since yesterday, and for meals i only depended on yesterday's take outs. Mr. Boyfriend plan a fancy dinner at the hotel for me but i rather stay at home. So, on Christmas Eve we're just sit at home eat take outs and watch National Geography (or is it by Discovery Channel?) show about "Tsunami". And today on Christmas Day itself, i stay at home watch another NG show called "Tornado" while Mr. Boyfriend went out to work. Really, working in construction industry, there is no such thing as holiday. Festival celebration is even more ridiculous. If you need a break, then take a leave. And while you're on leave don't expect somebody will fill up your position and do your work. That's why the most stressful part of taking leave is the time when you come back to work. Works will just keep on piling up, in sickness and in health, in good times and in bad, and in joy as well as in sorrow. That is why in construction, i will tell you when i will finish, not you tell me when to finish. Once, i made the mistake by asking my boss when he want the assignment finished, and he gave me the most dreadful answer "Yesterday". So i panicked, my brain jammed, and i sat at my desk for about an an hour before i figured out what to do. Anyway, i have strayed away from my main point. I actually want to talk about Christmas, my Christmas. I may not have anything shining hanging on my wall, let alone a christmas tree, but i do feel that christmas is happening in my heart. I am happy because the people i love and care about are happy. So, this year my Santa give me a 500 gb portable hardisk drive. So not romantic! But i'm touched because i have been meaning to buy it for myself a while ago but never did. After all this time, i guess i'm not just talking to the wall. So, i think that is all for now. I will leave you go on with your Christmas celebration. Meanwhile, i will continue with my reading. FYI, a week before Christmas i have bought 15 books as my Christmas present to myself. It's Christmas, okay! It's one of the exception. In fact, i should get 20. Never mind, New Year is around the corner and it's one of the exception as well. Anyway, for today and tomorrow, i'm having a Sophie Kinsella marathon. Wish me luck!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Moccona Coffee Ads

Check out these ads. It's the nicest ads i ever seen. Beautiful plot and music.

Cinderella Quest


Monday, December 20, 2010

Baby it's cold outside..

This is my holiday theme song this year. Got the video from youtube. This song is funny and playful. It's actually a soundtrack for the movie "Elf" starring Will Ferrel and Zoey Deschanel. Check out the lyrics as well.

I really can't stay - But baby it's cold outside
I've got to go away - But baby it's cold outside
This evening has been - Been hoping that you'd drop in
So very nice - I'll hold your hands, they're just like ice
My mother will start to worry - Beautiful, what's your hurry
And father will be pacing the floor - Listen to the fireplace roar
So really I'd better scurry - Beautiful, please don't hurry
Well maybe just a half a drink more - Put some music on while I pour

The neighbors might think - Baby, it's bad out there
Say, what's in this drink - No cabs to be had out there
I wish I knew how - Your eyes are like starlight
To break the spell - I'll take your hat, your hair looks swell
I ought to say no, no, no, sir - Mind if I move closer
At least I'm gonna say that I tried - What's the sense in hurting my pride?
I really can't stay - Baby don't hold out
Ahh, but it's cold outside

I simply must go - But baby, it's cold outside
The answer is no - But baby, it's cold outside
This welcome has been - I'm lucky that you dropped in
So nice and warm - Look out the window at that storm
My sister will be suspicious - Gosh, your lips look delicious
My brother will be there at the door - Waves upon tropical shore
My maiden aunt's mind is vicious - Ohh your lips look delicious
Well maybe just a half a cigarette more - No such a blizzard before

I've got to go home - Baby, you'll freeze out there
Say, lend me your coat - It's up to your knees out there
You've really been grand - I thrill when you touch my hand
But don't you see - How can you do this thing to me?
There's bound to be talk tomorrow - Think of my life long sorrow
At least there will be plenty implied - If you caught pneumonia and died
I really can't stay - Get over that hold out
Ahh, but it's cold outside

Monday, December 13, 2010

What makes you cry?

Sad movies, sad songs, sincere prayer, and funeral. That's the thing that makes me cry.

1. Marley & Me movie

If you are not into sad movies, then be warned, stay far away from this movie. Don't let the posters and trailer fool you. Do not believe for a second that this is a comedy. Even though 95% of the plot makes you laugh, but trust me, the other 5% will rip your heart out, kill every little trails of smile that left from the corner of your mouth before sucking up dry your well of tears. My friend had me tricked into watching this movie.

2. Hachiko the Dog

When i went to visit Tokyo last year, the 1st thing that popped into my mind was Harajuku, and the 2nd thing was Hachiko. It's a real life story about a dog named Hachiko who loyally waited for his owner at the same spot every until he died. Well, you can check Hachiko's full story here. No doubt, i seems to have a soft spot for dogs. Maybe, i was a dog in my previous life. But in this life i am more into cat than dog. Now, that's not right, isn't it?

Later, Hollywood produced movie about it called Hachiko - A Dog's Story starring Richard Gere. This time i drag everyone around me into watching this movie. But i my self never dared to watch this movie. Reading Hachiko's story alone enough to leave tears in my eyes.

3. Oklahoma by Billy Gilman

Not that i ever been to Oklahoma before, or ever been abandoned, it's just that this song simply drowned my eyes with tears every time i listen to it. Maybe it has to do with Billy Gilman sings with the utmost sincerity and innocence.

4. Brown Scapular Prayer

There is a special prayer you need to recite while wearing this scapular. You need to say the prayer for nine consecutive days, or nine Fridays, or nine Saturdays, or nine Sundays, or every hour for nine consecutive hours. As for me, i tried the nine consecutive days option. Then the strangest thing happened, in the middle of reciting the prayer, i started to cry for no reason. I did not feel sad, or happy or anything. I just cried my heart out. And it was a painful cry, it's like there is a huge block of stone inside my chest that i wanted to let out. I keep on crying until i finished praying. That was the last time i said the prayer and never again to continue. What can i say, i just don't like crying.

5. Funeral

When it comes to funeral, the only thing that was holding me together is the thought that death is a natural process and everybody will died eventually. And i keep convincing my self that no matter how hurt i am at that moment, i know that time will heal me soon. So, that's it. That is all I'm going to talk about funeral.

Monday, December 6, 2010

18 days to Christmas..

I have a feeling that this year Christmas will be a bit teary for me. I still haven't decide whether i want to go back home and celebrate with my family or stay here, be alone and be miserable on Christmas Eve. I did not plan to go back home this year because i can only have less than 24 hours with my family before flying back to work in the next day. Besides, a week after Christmas i will be flying home again, before to Jakarta for business trip. It has been a tradition that December to January will be the busiest time of the year. So, i thought this year why not skip Christmas? The only price i have to pay is 10 gallons of tears. Mr. Boyfriend already bought an air ticket in advance for me in case i had a change of heart in the last minutes. But, i tell you, i am a man of my words. I rather had my head cut than having to lick back what i've spitted.

Anyway, check out this Christmas song by Train. I actually cried a little while watching this video. Don't know why i'm so sensitive in these few days. Maybe it's just the hormones messing around my head.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

One In A Million - Ne Yo

I changed my ring tone today, from Justin Bieber's Baby to Ne-Yo's One in a Million. I decided I need to grow up a little bit. Justin Bieber song is cute and sweet. But i need something a bit manly and cache in the same time. Check out Ne-Yo's One in a Million video clip. A tip for the guys, send this song to your girlfriend and you'll make her smile for a week. If you want more than just a week then you have to perform it your self, which is logically and obviously impossible.

What can be sexier than a guy in a suit? Oh Ne-Yo, you had me the very second i hit the play button.

Lisa Kleypas

OMG, i loved her books so much!

I have just finished reading 3 out of her 4 contemporary books. And to tell the truth, i have fallen in love with her writings. What makes her books so special is that the connection you'll have with her character throughout the pages. She makes it so personal that at some point i felt like i was reading someone else diary. When Lisa writes about hardship, abuse and making choices, she was not aggravating the scene. She hold back a little, and that is what makes thing feel real.

One thing i learned from Lisa's books, is that, love wait. It may take 10 years, but if it is love, it'll wait. Love does not move on. You may be moved on with someone else, or bound to marriage, but when time is right, stars will align in some special arrangement, and the universe will work it's magic so that your path will cross with each other, and love will happen again.

Lisa's contemporary books may not be romantic as i expected it to be, but she makes me believe that love is real. As real as hectic Monday can be. So, i guess what i want to say is, never give up living. There will a light at the end of this tunnel.

I have yet to check out Lisa's new book "Christmas Eve at Friday Harbour". Consider it's an appropriate way to spend Christmas Eve since i will not be going home and spend Christmas with my family this year. Don't ask why.