Monday, December 13, 2010

What makes you cry?

Sad movies, sad songs, sincere prayer, and funeral. That's the thing that makes me cry.

1. Marley & Me movie

If you are not into sad movies, then be warned, stay far away from this movie. Don't let the posters and trailer fool you. Do not believe for a second that this is a comedy. Even though 95% of the plot makes you laugh, but trust me, the other 5% will rip your heart out, kill every little trails of smile that left from the corner of your mouth before sucking up dry your well of tears. My friend had me tricked into watching this movie.

2. Hachiko the Dog

When i went to visit Tokyo last year, the 1st thing that popped into my mind was Harajuku, and the 2nd thing was Hachiko. It's a real life story about a dog named Hachiko who loyally waited for his owner at the same spot every until he died. Well, you can check Hachiko's full story here. No doubt, i seems to have a soft spot for dogs. Maybe, i was a dog in my previous life. But in this life i am more into cat than dog. Now, that's not right, isn't it?

Later, Hollywood produced movie about it called Hachiko - A Dog's Story starring Richard Gere. This time i drag everyone around me into watching this movie. But i my self never dared to watch this movie. Reading Hachiko's story alone enough to leave tears in my eyes.

3. Oklahoma by Billy Gilman

Not that i ever been to Oklahoma before, or ever been abandoned, it's just that this song simply drowned my eyes with tears every time i listen to it. Maybe it has to do with Billy Gilman sings with the utmost sincerity and innocence.

4. Brown Scapular Prayer

There is a special prayer you need to recite while wearing this scapular. You need to say the prayer for nine consecutive days, or nine Fridays, or nine Saturdays, or nine Sundays, or every hour for nine consecutive hours. As for me, i tried the nine consecutive days option. Then the strangest thing happened, in the middle of reciting the prayer, i started to cry for no reason. I did not feel sad, or happy or anything. I just cried my heart out. And it was a painful cry, it's like there is a huge block of stone inside my chest that i wanted to let out. I keep on crying until i finished praying. That was the last time i said the prayer and never again to continue. What can i say, i just don't like crying.

5. Funeral

When it comes to funeral, the only thing that was holding me together is the thought that death is a natural process and everybody will died eventually. And i keep convincing my self that no matter how hurt i am at that moment, i know that time will heal me soon. So, that's it. That is all I'm going to talk about funeral.