I love Sunday. After 6 days working 8 hours, i can finally have a rest on Sunday. Now, that i'm not a church goer anymore, Sunday is the only day in a week where i can stayed in bed until 12 noon. So, yesterdays as usual, i stayed all day in bed. Not once i touched the front door knob. Not even bothered to go outside. My first activity was reading Lisa Kleypas book.
After finished reading, i start watching new episodes of korean drama called Secret Garden. The title has nothing to do with the story plot. I cried a bucket of tears watching the last episode. I hate it when the drama makes you feel like crap. I swear this is the last korean drama for me in this month. After this, no more. Until next month.

It's actually a good story. I had a lot of fun watching it. When it's funny, it really is funny. And when it's sad, it really is sad. I would recommend you to watch it.