Saturday, June 18, 2011

Wake up call

Can you guess what i'm about to tell you?

What is the first thing comes to your mind when you see the above photo?

Office? Working? You know you are getting closer. But i don't want to ruin the moment. So keep guessing.

What if i told you "funny thing happen to me today"? And it was inexplicable. Never in a million years i expect it would happen to me someday. Would that help?

Oh, come on, i know you know it.



There you go.


That was easy.

So what? I fell out of my OFFICE chair, IN FRONT OF my colleague and a subcontractor. Like the Chipsmore biscuit, one moment i saw the 2 guys talking and next i saw the table's bottom. I fell not because i was clumsy, but because the chair has reached it's ending. For your information, i have been using the same chair for 4 years. And my weight has nothing to do with it.

Okay, now that i have made things clear, i wanted you to know that i think i have handled the situation professionally, considering that i never in my entire life fell out of anything before.

It happened so fast, i just remember hearing a loud breaking sound then next i was sitting on the floor. The 2 guys who first thought it was the window glazing that broke, realized what actually happened when they didn't see me at my table. Thanks to my good reflex, i managed to crawl out from under the table before they get to me and ask "what happen" and "are you okay?" questions.

The first thing i did after i get up, i laughed. I laughed so hard until my chest hurt, and it was an honest laugh. Okay, maybe it was not that honest. I did force it a bit. Only a little tiny bit. I did it to cover the shame, alright. And it works. The 2 stunned guys finally laughed with me. Then another colleague rushes in to my room wanting to know what had happened. And another and another.

I had been repeating the story of me falling out of my chair for more than 5 times already. And if one not interested to see the show in my room, i would go to their table and say, "hey, did you hear the sound just now? i fell out of my chair..." and so on.

Some say that i needed to lose some more weight and some say they regret to miss my show. But one thing i'm sure of, is that i did benefit from the fell. I got an adrenalin injection in split second. Now, i am feeling fresh, energized and definitely not sleepy anymore.

So, try falling out of your chair for a change.

I dare you.