Saturday, July 30, 2011

Fine Dining

I am so hooked with Masterchef Australia.

You know, my previous boss once told me that while he was studying in Perth, they used to held a cooking competition between faculties. And he said to me, the best cook is a surgeon and the worst cook is a lawyer. Huh, that proved him wrong. The winner of Masterchef Australia is a sure thing lawyer. And i can even say that most of the contestant is a lawyer. Claire, Peter and coming to be is Sharnee.

I never really like cooking. When i think of cooking, all i can see is the dirty dishes and kitchen mess. I eat take outs a lot. Yeah, you can even use your 10 fingers to calculate how many times i used my kitchen in a month. Depending on the mood. Sometimes zero usage in a month. And i'm not proud of that.

Even so, i still want the best kitchen in town. I have set aside a certain amount of money just for kitchen in my new house. I expect to move in to my new house next year. And i can't wait to cook in my new kitchen. Watching the Masterchef shows has inspired me to start cooking. Really. Yeah. No kidding.

I once saw in this food show, a man said that, "Each meals is to be earned". I think that it has a very profound meaning. From my understanding, you won't appreciate the food if you haven't practically starved. Which i think it's true, because when i'm hungry you shoved what ever to my mouth, i will say it's heavenly made.

So my point is, don't waste another meal time by eating crap food. We should honour and respect our own body. Go and get yourself a nice meal. If you cannot afford it, then cook it. After all, we've earned it.

So guys, let's start cooking.

Friday, July 29, 2011

July oh July

Nothing seems to be going right for me this month. Everything i do will end up either tossed in the back or annoyingly hanging in the front. And i am so close of losing control of myself. I am restless. If i can't get things done, and there's nothing i can do about it, i will go crazy. I am definitely not the type who can sit and wait. I even hate the word 'patient'. Please, i beg you, never ever test the limit of my patient.

I hate idling. I hate slow moving stuff. I don't hate snails and turtles because it's their nature to be slow. At least they are moving, right? I hate laziness. I hate excuses. And most of all, i hate dealing with government's staff.

O God have mercy, but why do they have to be SO LAZY and PAINFULLY SLOW?!!!

And you think only retards work with the government? No, they all are the 3.5 GPA and above. I too, tried to apply work with the government before but sadly my 2.75 GPA are not good enough for them. Hey, at least i'm hard working even if i'm not smart. I work 6 days a week to keep the country's economy running. Maybe i don't have any idea what i'm talking about but at least in 5 years i have already completed 140km roads, built a dam and constructed 2 schools.

So i ask you, government staff, where is yours? Except for the paperwork (which you may have instructed others to do it for you), compiling and filing papers (which is your best) and the 'under table', show me where's your pride?

Hah, i think so.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Soul Surfer

I watched Soul Surfer yesterday, unprepared and no expectation in mind. All i knew was that the movie is a true story of a young girl surfer who was bitten by shark.

The moment AnnaSophia emerges from the sea, and the song "Blessed Be Your Name" started playing, my eyes also started to get teary. I don't know what it is with this song, but when voices are combined harmoniously, the results are beyond beautiful.

I think this is truly an inspirational story.

And i salute to Bethany Hamilton.

What you see is not what you get

Mr. ordered this weird looking food during our lunch yesterday.

And the first thing i said to him is, "how are we suppose to eat those red chilli just like that?

"Just try it", he said.

And hesitantly, i did.

It taste like bacon. Even better when dipped into the lemon sauce.

Moral of the story, nothing like it seemed.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Bye bye Harry

Aahh, finally.

I'm sorry but i won't miss you.

I grew up somewhere between Harry Potter 3 & 4.

It was fun when 11 years old wizard fighting evil lord, but it's getting boring when he's fighting the same villain every time. And to make things more uninteresting, why do Voldemort wears the same alien-like face every time? For god's sake, he's a wizard himself, he should be more than able to make himself more presentable.

And Harry, well i don't have any problem against Harry, it's just that he's a teenager now, and he should act like one. Instead of worrying the world's safety, he should be living his life, enjoying his fame, breaking every girls heart, experimenting, discovering, rebel, or at least ran the red lights once.

Maybe Harry already did all that in the book but not on silver screen. I do not know. The last Harry Potter's book i read was Order of the Phoenix. I didn't even want to watch the movie version because the i don't want to ruin the story that i knew, but in the same time i cannot help but wonder how Harry's first crush look like.

Overall, i think it's a good plot with such a journey.

To Harry's fans, please don't hate me for not going to miss him.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Down memory lane

Yesterday, Sunday, i was looking through at some old photos. I was also sick at the same time. I was having high fever, coughing and i vomit out what ever went inside my stomach. But this post is not about that. It's about the good times i've had. I tried not to talk about bad things in this blog. Whatever hatred or anger that i showed in the past, well, let the past be the past, let's not look back, cause i'm sure whatever ahead are much better and promising.

So i was looking at this old photos, some of it i digitalised so it'll last forever. I don' know what went over me but the moment i looked at my youngest brother photos back when he's still a baby, i started to cry. I didn't even cried when i looked at my father's photos and he's long gone. There is just something pure and innocent about babies and kids. My baby brother was 16 when my father passed away. I do not know how he cope with that, and i didn't even have any idea how that affected him. Few months after that, he quit school, went into a lot of fights, and now finally, he's working as adults do. I guessed that's what breaks me. Maybe. Heck, i don't know. Nowadays, i seem to cry a lot, especially when watching movie. Last night i even cried watching Toy Story 2 & 3. Nothing is wrong with me, right?

I also realized something when i looked at my younger self, back when i was half of my current weight, when i was in my prime, i didn't even have a single shoot of nice smile. I have long accepted the fact that i'm not one of those lucky people who are born photogenic. But at least i should have one shoot of descent smile right? But no. Not me. I always caught in either eyes half closed, mouth open, laughing with closed eyes. Even in group photos. Everybody look fine but me.

So last night, i brought both of my palm together and say to God, "God, if you really is there and you are God who hears prayers, please God, in my next life please give me a dashing smile and a pair of killer dimples, nothing much, just something like Kate Middleton maybe".


Friday, July 15, 2011

Road trip with Mr

Earlier this week, Mr and i made a road trip to Kota Kinabalu. We both had to attend a course hosted by one of our biggest client. So, rather than being optional said the pamphlet, it was actually compulsory for us. I had no choice but to sign up for that 1 day of physical and mental torturing. If you knew me, you would know that this is one of my bravest decision of the year. If only you have any idea how much i hated attending courses, being stuck in a dull conference room and listening to others yapping about crap things that don't even make sense to your work, i'm sure that you'll be very proud of me.

But looking at the bright side, i got to go on a road trip and spend time with Mr. I think the last time we went to holiday together is 3 years ago. So Mr and i stayed in this hotel called le Meridian. For me, i think it is one of the finest hotel in the city. The hotel location is fantastic. Everything is nearby. Shopping complexes, cinemas, restaurants and pretty much everything.

Lounging and waiting for our room to be prepared.

Tada! This is our room.

And did i tell you that our room got the view of the sea?

Sea view.

Farmer's Market from our window.

Farmer's Market at night.

Farmer's Market in the morning. I think their business start from 3pm and closed at 5am.

The torturing day. On the way to the course. No picture of the event cause it's too depressing to even look at the conference room.

Day 2 attempt to sunset viewing. This is at 6.00pm.

6.15 pm.


6.35 pm. Fail.

The next day, we drove back to Sandakan. Stopped on the way to have a look at the shops selling souvenir. Nothing interest me.

The only interesting thing i found is the pretty hibiscus.


Orange? Peach?

Classic red.

My favorite. White.

Other than that, i also want to show you stuff i purchased during the trip.
Here it is! Tada!

I'm so into stuff like this right now. This is so gonna be the theme of my new house.

Anyway, so that conclude my trip with Mr. By the way, Mr pay for the above stuff. I know. What can i do? I cannot help but being charming. HAHA.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Suit up!

For the first time in my life, i dressed up for breakfast.

Well, the story goes back to last night when Mr make a fuss how i dressed casually to dinner. We are staying in the Le Meridien hotel cause there is a course we both need to attend today. I thought hotels are suppose to make you feels like home? So i went to dinner wearing t shirt and khaki pant. After half an hour dinner and listening to Mr's speech of why i should not dress like savages, we then went to shopping for my clothes. So last night Mr bought for me 2 Voir blouses and a dress. Mr tried to get me one of those ladies handbag but this i can never see myself with one. I insist on having a leather satchel like what Indiana Jones have. Too bad i never find one that i like.

So this morning i showed up in a nice attire for breakfast. And guess what others wear to breakfast? T shirts and shorts.

Anyway, i got to hit the shower now. Yes, i take my shower after breakfast.

Will update more soon.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Cure for loneliness?

Not me. I don't have the cure.

But fengshui does.

This afternoon during my lunch hour break, i was surfing the internet and found this article "Me, myself & my SouthWest" written by Marie-Lise Chabtini. It's the story of how she uses fengshui to cure her loneliness.

Those of you who are skeptical, i beg you, please give it a chance. Just click open the link to the article. I promise you that it wont do any harm to your brilliant brain.


Friday, July 1, 2011

My Wealth

I have a new quote that i wish to live by, and that is,


It struck me, that at the age of 30, i am still far from being wealthy. I have come across this blog saying that wealth isn't how much you earn, it's what you save. His idea is simple, the first step to secure your future wealth is to invest in yourself and your assets. Cars and electronics are not assets. Anything that losses value is not asset. I just know about this. And i thought i owned a lot.

The first thing to do when you received your paycheck is to set aside a certain amount of money for you to invest in yourself or asset. But i don't like the idea of investing money in any financial programme. Call me stupid but i don't trust the bank. I rather dig up hole in my backyard and put my money in it. Don't bother finding my house now as i have nothing but debts hanging around my neck.

I'm ashamed to say this but i have to admit that my current net worth is NEGATIVE. Too bad, acknowledging that doesn't set me free. But at least now that my eyes are opened, i will start to spend wisely (yeah, good luck with that!). No, i mean i will be more careful and meticulous with my money. And to prove that i'm serious about this, this month i have set aside a quarter (or less) of my paycheck for saving. I will restrain myself from spending it. Come hell or high water. I won't.

From my calculations, if i were to dedicate myself into saving and paying off debts only, by 2014 i will be living as a free man. Well i have to exclude the house loan.

So, from now on i have to live with the stingy badge on my sleeves. I have to question every ins and outs. Not a cent can escape from my sights. You know, i used to loathe person with this kind of attitude. Little did i know that i must someday become one. And now i look at the person that i used to mock, they indeed has the last laugh.

But that's okay, cause mistakes are part of being human.

So friends, let us start saving from now on.

Like the Malay proverbs "save little by little, one day it'll become a mountain"

Sikit-sikit, lama-lama jadi bukit.