I hate idling. I hate slow moving stuff. I don't hate snails and turtles because it's their nature to be slow. At least they are moving, right? I hate laziness. I hate excuses. And most of all, i hate dealing with government's staff.
O God have mercy, but why do they have to be SO LAZY and PAINFULLY SLOW?!!!
And you think only retards work with the government? No, they all are the 3.5 GPA and above. I too, tried to apply work with the government before but sadly my 2.75 GPA are not good enough for them. Hey, at least i'm hard working even if i'm not smart. I work 6 days a week to keep the country's economy running. Maybe i don't have any idea what i'm talking about but at least in 5 years i have already completed 140km roads, built a dam and constructed 2 schools.
So i ask you, government staff, where is yours? Except for the paperwork (which you may have instructed others to do it for you), compiling and filing papers (which is your best) and the 'under table', show me where's your pride?
Hah, i think so.