Wednesday, August 10, 2011

ABBA's week

I realized that i'm in a terrible mood in this few days. I'm so stressed not by works but rather by tonnes of family problems. I swear that at some points i ALMOST wishes that i was never born into my family. But then, i wouldn't want that too.

So in order to balance my mixed feelings, i chose to make this week is all about ABBA music. Who doesn't love ABBA right? I chose ABBA particularly because it reminded me of my father. My father and i, we have the same taste in music. My brothers and sister doesn't get this kind of music. When ever my father bought a new CD or Karaoke CD, he will eagerly showed me his purchase and i will usually be the one who will listen or sang through all the song list. I never heard my father karaoke-ing even once, so i figured he bought all those Karaoke CDs for me.

Besides ABBA, my father and i also share same passion for music by Michael Jackson, LOBO and Elvis Presley. He even told me that he was inspired to named me after one of Elvis Presley song. That's right, my first name is the title of Elvis Presley's song.

Anyway, this week is all about ABBA. So i chose this song to be my ringtone.

Usually every time i heard my phone rang i felt like smashing the phone to the wall. At least now when the song Chiquitita playing, i would know that everything is going to be alright.

So when i want to get back on track, i just listen to I Have A Dream, and just like that it will nourish back your weary soul and heal your wounded spirit.

Those 2 are my power song. And i do believe that a song can bring walls down.