Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Four Muskittens

As i have promised, here are the photos of our new family members.

Do you know how difficult it is to capture photos of the 4 kittens altogether? This is the best i can get. One is blinking, one looking away, one stepping forward and one is completely and hopelessly getting out of the frame.

I wish i could shrink like Thumbelina size and snuggled quietly in between those furs.

Shot from different angle.

The first to born. Remind you of Mr. Pussy from Shrek?

2nd to get out. He/she is 100% identical to his/her father Forest.

3rd born. Something like Forest though inherit black colour nose from the mother.

4th, the youngest and also the loudest and most vocal of them all. I seriously doubt that this belongs to Forest. But i will love him/her no less.

Another shots of them.

I almost died when i saw this. Biting his/her itchy toes. So freaking cute.

Forest is so protective of his kittens. Every time i tried to pet them, he always stood at the other end supervising with his watchful eyes.

Will post more photos of them from time to time as they grow up.