Thursday, December 1, 2011

And then there were two..

After months of being relentless, i finally agreed to let go of Roxy and Miki to my two aunts. They have been pestering me of the matter the moment they knew about Kimi's pregnancy. I know i should be grateful that there are somebody who are more than willing to adopt the kittens. And the facts that they are relatives and trustworthy, are definitely the score points. I was hesitant to hand them over because i felt that it is inappropriate to separate the kittens from it's parents and siblings. Moreover, i was already attached to them. I had named each one of them for god's sake. How is that not obvious enough to show that i had no intention to give up any of the kittens, ever?

I was doing fine shooting down all plea until my mother decided to step in. "Don't be selfish" she said. 3 simple words, just like that, she unknowingly tossed away the harmless burning matchstick into an ocean of petrol. Of course i would flared up. How would you feel if i asked you to handover your first born? Don't tell me it's different. It's exactly the case.

In the end i yielded though. For blood will always be thicker than water. I asked my mother to remind both of my aunts that should one day their affections for Kimi's offspring turn sour, i shall want them returned to me. Doesn't matter whether they're sick, old or dying, i will have them back, just don't disregard them. Then my mother assured me, "You worry for nothing. When your cousin knew that Roxy was coming home with your aunt, she quickly put away her 2 months old baby in the crib and rushed to the door to meet Roxy. They all are cat lovers"

So now i'm left with Frankie and Troy. I'm so gonna spoil them and cherished them dearly. Kittens are the best. Even a robot would cracked a smile when mixed with kitten.

Frankie fell asleep on the couch. He's the naughtiest and the wildest. At first i thought it almost impossible to touch him. I always shriek when i play with him. His playful bites may seems frolic but the pain is no joke. Anyone who are bold and stubborn enough to brush off my warnings of Frankie will always find themselves acquiring new adornment in the next morning. No one was spared. Not even me. I, too, both of my hands are full of bites and scratch marks, compliments from Frankie.

Troy, my darling Troy. Mon petit ange chéri. He's always the star in everywhere he go. It's impossible to ignore him. One won't blink in his present because he is disturbingly cute. He is the gentlest creature i ever met, and without doubt the warmest life i have ever been blessed with. Who need therapist when you have cute kitten like Troy? I can't even get mad (about anything) when he's around me. I mean, look at him! It's insanely adorable, right? Now, try imagine when those eyes opened and perked up. I know, right!? I could die in admiration.