Monday, December 31, 2012

Welcoming 2013

My goal for next year is to renounce materialism. Here are the short list of my 2013 resolution;

1. Refrain myself from getting a new gadget. Especially iphone 5. I don't need that. I still have the older version which still works perfectly.

2. Limit my book purchase to only 30 per year. In 2012 i went overboard a little bit by accidently over bought 42 books. My math is pretty bad.

3. Travel less. Less means 2-3 times in a year. I'll probably going to revisit Osaka next year. I love that place. Especially during the spring season when all the sakura in full bloom. The other trip will probably going to be at year end. I haven't decide on the destination, but i'll most probably going to pick somewhere with a snow. It could be Harbin or Sapporo. For some unknown reason i find myself keep coming back to Japan. Come earthquake or tsunami, nothing can scare me off Japan.

So, talk about 2012 accomplishment. I think the thing that i can be proud the most is the fact that i managed to pay off all my credit cards. I have terminated 3 cards earlier this year and now i only maintained 1 card at hand. It's pretty weird not having too much commitment. All of sudden i have an extra 1k every month which i still keep on spending on useless stuff. Therefore, in order to keep things normal again, i decided to get a new commitment. I needed a new car, so i bought a car. I just paid the booking fee this afternoon. The car needs 2 months to be assembled. What type of car i bought? Its a 1.5S Toyota Rush. I like the masculine look of the car. Though it's not a 4 wheel drive.

I have a high expectation on 2013.

Anyway, i have to end this post here cause my cats and i keep fighting over the computer mouse. Very hard to write when there are 3 cats surround you all vying for your attention. This is why i never use computer at home.

So, good night. Bye 2012. Hello 2013.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Shakespeare in love quote..

"I, will have poetry in my life. And adventure. And love. Love above all.
Not the artful postures of love, not playful and poetical games of love, but love that over-throws life.
Unbiddable, ungovernable - like a riot in the heart, and nothing to be done, come ruin or rapture.
Love - like there has never been in a play"

~ Viola, Shakespeare in Love.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Mon petit ange

Time for some eye candy, don't you think?

Here's a photo of Troy tearing up tissue paper then fell asleep later on.

He's not exactly 'petit'. More like overweight. But he's cuter when he's fat. Don't you agree? I think all cat are cuter when they are fat.

My x'mas card

Here's my version of Christmas.

I literally have to jump and shout in order to get all my cats attention when taking their photos. 
And this is the best they can come up with.

Kicking still

4 days to 2013.

The world didn't come to an end on the 21st. That's a good news isn't it? On the 21st December itself, the first thing i did in the morning was to check out the news section. I'd say that i'm pretty amused with the array of news that day. But i must say that still, there's a tiny little bit of relief in me that day.

In my opinions, i think doomsday is inevitable. The only question is when. I don't know what is the significant of 21st December 2012, but in my view, the journey to the end has already began. Sooner or later the past with catch up. We will reap what we sow.

Nostradamus. Mayan. Hopi. Newton. Cayce. The Book of Revelation. They are no fools. To me, knowledge is power. The more you have it, the better you've prepared.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Alien invasion

I had a bad dream last night. I dreamed that alien invaded earth and killing us all. But that was just a dream. Nothing more. Probably because of the '21st December 2012' thing. Yeah, that must be it.

Anyway, my mom are coming to visit me today. She'll probably stay until New Year. Not that i against the idea of spending Christmas with loves one, it's just that after the last few years i thought i finally became accustomed to being alone during this time of the year. That Christmas is just the same as any other day in the year. And with my mom being here is going to reset everything.

On the plus side, i love having my mom around cause she'll always keep my house spotless. And she'll make the kitchen alive once again. Yes, it's all good, except for the fact that i tend to gain weight whenever she's visiting. The irony is that she's on my team when it comes to the matter of losing weight. She could talk all day on that subject alone. We don't say pray before dinner but we talk about potion control. Or calories. Evening tea will be served with exercise topic. She walk the talk. My mother is 51 and she never missed a day without exercising. I, on the other hand, loathe exercise. That is why, whenever she's on with her campaign, i'll find a way to rebel, quietly unnoticed. That'll usually involve lots of junk food.

The victory feeling will always supersede the guilt.

Monday, December 17, 2012


Have you ever heard 2NE1 song 'Ugly'? Well, here's Sungha Jung version of the song.

I feel like crap today. I was chirpy and happy this morning until Mr. walked in to my office and makes me feel crap. I'm in a dead end relationship. And there's no way getting out of it. Unless death be so kind and do us a favor. Of course i don't mind to go first. Then in the next life i would make sure that our fate won't cross each others again. We'll be at least 5000 miles away from each other.

Why didn't i just break free? I don't know. Maybe i'm scared to hurt. Or maybe i'm just a coward. It's not like i haven't tried. I did tried. A couple of times. But in the end, i'm still here. Trapped. It's like i'm paying for my past life sins. Karma won't let me through until i learn the lesson.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Mr. Miau

This is Miau. He died on December 4th, 2012.

When my father passed away 5 years ago, i said to my self, never again i will cry and let my heart hurts like that. Soon after that, my grandmother followed my father steps. And i didn't cried once. I learned that the recipe for not to be hurt again is never begin to care. So, as time goes by, i became meaner. And i thought by now, i had it all under my palms. That nothing can break me.

The joke was on me.

My cat is my kryptonite.

Who would have thought that the silly creature would hold a dear effect on man?

I was there with him when he drew his last breath. I held him in my arms, pleading him to come back. It took me a while to keep it together. I got up, grab a shovel and i finally buried him in my backyard. There was no sweet simple ceremony or memorial for him. I barely breathe when i buried him. Once finished, i took a shower, jump in to my pj, drew all the curtains closed and then i lay still in bed. I tried to sleep hoping to wake up and find that all was but a dream. But in the end, i could not get any sleep for 3 days, and everything became very real that it cannot be altered.

Right now, i'm still in the grieving phase. I feel like i still haven't done crying. Every time i saw his usual lounging spot i will break down to tears. I know that it'll get easier over time. Just like how i've recovered from my father's death, i know that i'll get through this one as well.

Rest in peace, Miau.

Friday, November 30, 2012

The Lady with 700 Cats

I saw the show last night on Nat Geo.

Well, i say that Lynea the crazy cat lady is someone worth to be admired for. I wouldn't say she's crazy cause i do understand where she's coming from. I, too, do used to have a dream of building a cat sanctuary of my own. But that dream goes down the gutter due to limited resources. So to see Lynea pull out all that by her own resources makes me want to worship her. In my opinion, what she's doing is truly noble. Therefore, i'm going to put her cause in one of my charity expenses list. If you believe that a cat's life is a soul worth saving, please do contribute here.

By the way, the other cause i believe in is the World Vision.

Sponsor a child, i dare you.

21 days to Doomsday

So, today is the last day of November. I'm sure all the other 7 billions homo sapiens are just curious as i am of what the month of December would bring. As for me, i don't really care whether the world is coming to an end in 21 days or not, i just want to see if the Mayans live up their reputations.

So, as i was summing up my achievements (let's be positive and called it achievement rather than a task done) this year, i come to realize that no matter how many deeds i have done or how much i earned or how far i have traveled, it still doesn't change me. Not even a tiny bit.

Look at me, i'm not any richer than i am in 2011, or any happier, or thinner, or even successful. It's still feels the same. Same old, same old. There's always something missing. Something is not satiated.

Travelling used to be challenging. Now it's more like a child play. I mean who travel over two thousand miles just to sit in a god-know-where-hotel room and read books all day? It's just a lame excuse of not wanting to be found.

It's passion that i'm lack of. How am i suppose to fix that?

Maybe next year i just need to concentrate on one goal. ONE goal only. So, that's it then. I'll only make one resolution for 2013. Hopefully that'll solve the problem.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Books books books

I'm a bit greedy when it comes to books. If i have 7 in my hands, i will read all 7 at once. No kidding here. I'm quite serious. As you can see, i have a mixed taste in books. I'm willing to give a try at everything. Vintage to graphic novel. I can take it all. Even Justin Bieber biography. Especially him.

So, first on the list is Haruki Murakami's 'What I Talk About When I Talk About Running'. As always, he leaves me gaping. Mouth wide open in awe. Ever since i read 'Norwegian Wood' i became addicted to his writings. I would have become one of his groupie if there's any to join. Seriously, he's piece is so out-of-this-world kind of awesome.

The Travels of Marco Polo - I like it that i even considered myself to travel around the world on a bicycle since i'm terrified of the ocean. But before one embark on such a great journey, one must learn how to be on bicycle first.

Eighty Days Yellow - I hate this book. I hate it. I just HATTEEEEE IT! When a book contains words such as *c@nt*, or *f@ck*, it don't deserve a place in my library. Seriously, Vina Jackson, go and read some of Haruki Murakami's book so you'll know how to describe a coitus. I'm seriously offended by this book that i didn't even bother to finish it.

The Selection - This book is quite pleasant. I finished it in one sit. There's a lot of new ideas. Like the reinstatement of the caste system. Or the United States of China, how funny is that? The only unpleasant thing about the book is that, it's not finished. There will be a sequel. And i hate sequel. So much. Cause i will definitely lose interest over time. Apparently, there's also going to be a movie about this book, which i would very much like to look forward to.

The rest of the book still unread. Will probably start tonight on Bill Bryson's 'Neither Here Nor There'.

Friday, November 16, 2012


I want to see the Jersey Boys one more time in Singapore.
It's bad isn't it? But i can't help it.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

I carry your heart with me
(I carry it in my heart)
I am never without it
(anywhere I go you go,my dear;
and whatever is done by only me is your doing,my darling)

I fear no fate (for you are my fate,my sweet)
I want no world (for beautiful you are my world,my true)
and it's you are whatever a moon has always meant
and whatever a sun will always sing is you

here is the deepest secret nobody knows
(here is the root of the root
and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky of a tree called life;
which grows higher than the soul can hope or mind can hide)
and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart

I carry your heart (I carry it in my heart)

by E.E. Cummings

Decision is made

I have decided what i'm going to do with 2013. Instead of conquering the world, 2013 will be the year of saving money. I will try to save as much as i can. My goal is to save at least 1k every month. And if i were to commit such plan and invest my saving carefully, in my calculation by the end of 2016 i will have more than enough to board the luxury coach on Trans-Siberian Railway. Or i can pay off all my mortgage and be the grumpy 35 old woman who are debt free yet penniless.

So, grumpy, debt free and penniless it is.

Monday, November 12, 2012


to me is easy peasy.

Yep. I know this may sound strange but i kind of like Seoul more than Tokyo. The American lady i met on my trip to Seoul frowned when i made that statement. But the truth is i like the fact that Seoul is a little bit rough and vulgar compared to Tokyo. It makes me feel that i fit in just right.

So, here are some of the photos i took during the trip. Enjoy.

I got my eyes on the horse head bell and cute girls key chain.

Autumn madness.

Men of my dream.

I decided to skip half of the wax museum as soon as i saw that 'thing' in the above picture.

Love sick disease.

Loveland. Use your imagination.

Pampas grass at Sangumburi Crater.

Sunrise Peak. There are approximately 500 steps to the peak. And the 500 steps start halfway. You still can't see the steps in the above photo. And to me, i wouldn't call that steps cause it's more like a platform to me. So the story is, i gave up halfway.

Nanta cooking! Seriously the show is so funny. I laughed until i cried.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Feeling sexy

Addicted to you by Shakira.

Not that i have anyone i'm addicted to.

I would sell my soul to the devil to have a body like Shakira.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


What's in 2013?
I don't have any plan reserved in 2013.
Maybe that because i'll die before 2013.
Maybe the Mayan is right. The world will end before 2013.
Aren't you curious a bit?

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

I give up..

planning my trip to Seoul.

I always hear people say that Tokyo's subway is one of the most complicated in the world. But hold on, have you seen Seoul's subway map? Seoul's maybe less colorful and less crowded than Tokyo's but if you looked at it a little longer, 5 seconds maybe, i'm sure migraine will hit you in no time.

Nowadays, you don't have to worry about not having to be able to read Koreans cause the map is readily translated into roman letters for your ease. But the thing about the translation is that they use too much vowels. Just by looking at their places name enough to make me go crossed eyes.

For example, Gwangheungchang, Gyeongbokgung, Bupyeongsamgeori, Gwangmyeongsageori, Gwanghwamun.

Do you see what i mean?

Monday, October 1, 2012

Mabul Island

So, last month i went on a business-leisure trip with Mr to Semporna. It was a total of 4 days trip. The 1st day was all about getting there and settling in. The journey from Sandakan to Semporna roughly about half a day. The 2nd day we're there, it was all about work. It was already 3pm when we finished our work and only then the fun began. We booked a day trip tour to Mabul Island with Uncle Chang. As for me i find the price is quite reasonable. We paid RM 132.00 per person for a whole day in Mabul Island. That price include boat transfer, jetty fee, snorkeling gear, transfer to 3 snorkeling locations, breakfast, lunch and unforgettable memories.

Off we went to snorkeling on the 3rd day. So our journey began when the speed boat leave for Mabul Island at 8.00 am. I was excited and skeptical at the same time. I don't want to get my hope high cause i don't want to be disappointed later. But then, the island did really met my expectation. Well, see for your self. They say a picture say a thousand words. No editing done on these photos.

If you know me, then you must know that i don't know how to swim. So you must understand that the vast sea terrifies me, so much. But then the idea of snorkeling was so appealing. I never snorkel in my whole life before! So with the assurance from the tour staffs and guides that non-swimmer can easily snorkel with life jacket on, i jumped into the sea with glee. 

And i sank. 

And almost drown. 

Thank god for the guide watchful eyes. Yes, it was embarrassing. I mean who got drowned when using life jacket?

I admit that my first mistake is to jump from the boat. I should have get into the water slowly and adjust. Well if you asked me, i blame the french lady who made the example of first jumping from the boat. She jumped without any life jacket on, then she float while putting on her snorkel and mask, still floating she bend over to wear her fins as of she's tying her shoestring on a sidewalk and then off she go and disappear from my view like a fish. She makes it look so damn easy!

So, on my first dive i still stayed underwater. I mean i still get to snorkel. Only that i just snorkel around the DRIFTING boat, while holding onto the boat's rope. I still get to see some corals, starfish, and small fishes. It was not that sad. Stay with me cause my story does get better.

Each snorkeling session is about 45 minutes. After the first session we went back to the shelter and rest for one hour. Then we were brought to another snorkeling location near Kapalai Island. This time the boat parked at a deeper location. So it was just blue green all around and i cannot see anything by swimming around the boat alone. You have to swim about 10 meters in order to get to the reef. So i resigned. I went up the boat, sat quietly and watched others.

But then, the thing about the guide is that they wont rest easy as long as you are not in the water. They took their turns in every 5 minutes asking why you are not in the water. First i told them that it's too deep and i'm afraid of the unknown deep. Later my answer was that the reef is too far and i cannot swim even with life jacket on. Then they offered to take me to the reef. But i still hesitate and say that i just want to stay on the boat and dry up. And then they throw their killer lines..

"But there are turtles.."

"Really? In there?"


"Can you actually see them?"


"Okay then, let's go there. And i want both the life jacket and life ring this time"

In the end i was glad that the guides never give up on me. The above photo is my 4th turtle sighting and was taken while we were still on a boat to our 3rd dive.

Our fun day finally end at 5pm.

And that night i slept through the whole night.

Spent and sated.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Road Trip!

Going on a road trip with Mr today! We're going on a 3 days business trip to Semporna. Well, for me it's 40% business and 60% is leisure. While we're there i planned on getting on a boat to see the Sipadan, Kapalai and Mabul islands. Especially, Sipadan. One's journey will not be completed until one checked Sipadan Island out of the list.

So, i was packing my bag at 6.00 am this morning and it reminded me of the feeling when i'm travelling. Like asking myself 60 times whether i need to bring another pair of jeans, or should i pack the whole toiletries. I missed that rush mixed with anxiety feelings.

Yes, i know it's hardly a month since my last trip but you know these kind of things can be addictive. No wonder September feels so slow moving. My next trip would be in November, so my guess is that October will be painfully slow as well.

Anyway, did you hear that Airasia got Free Seats promotion again? It's quite a bargain if you asked me. But my problem is that i haven't figured out my next year's trip plan. So it seems that this time, i'm gonna have to pass.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Que sera..

Time indeed fly without us noticing it, isn't it?

Feels just like yesterday i was watching the sakura bloom in April and today September already here. Year 2012 feels like the wind. I don't even realize it's presence. And i have the feeling that by the time this year is over i wont even remember that i have lived through 2012.

In the previous years, usually at this time of the year i will have it all planned for the coming year. But this time i haven't planned anything for 2013. The prospect of year ahead seems empty and foggy. I don't even have any idea where i want to travel next year. I could say that i want to be spontaneous but who am i kidding here? I am far from spontaneous. In fact i am the opposite of spontaneous. So that leave me with only 2 possible conclusions. 2013 will be either wild or dead boring.

But if you asked me what i really wanted to do, i would say that i wish i could leave everything behind and go the other direction. I wish to go up in the mountains and meditate like the monks. I envy them. I envy the blissful life they live. But go with the flow i must.

I desperately in need of a retreat. The longer i stayed the more hateful i become. The world is slowly eating me out. Soon i'm going to lose my mind and there will be no more me. Then it will be all too late.

What a hateful world, isn't it?

Indeed a cruel, hateful world.

I need a new pair of glasses.

Monday, September 3, 2012

to Brisbane and back

So last month i went to Brisbane, Australia.

And for me, there is just one word to describe Brisbane, and that is LOVELY.

I think it's the first time in the history of my life that i actually went out all day when travelling. And when i say 'all day' that means i left the hotel at 9am only to return again at 10pm. One thing for sure is that i did a lot of walking that day (i think). I could easily spend an hour or two at a bookstore. Not once i ventured in the clothing shops. I'm really not anyone ideal shopping buddy cause i don't like spending too much time browsing for clothes. I usually know what i want, so shopping for clothes with me usually will take no more than 7 minutes. Yeah, i know. Both my mum and my sister also hate me for that.

Another half of my time in Brisbane i think i spent on being lost. That's another thing about me, i'm really not good in directions. Seriously, 90% of the time i would pick the wrong direction. Every time i'm on a junction or crossroad, i always have the tendency to choose to go to the road on the right hand side. Okay, let me correct that, i don't tend to, in fact i will always choose the road on my right. Even if there's a little voice inside my head telling me that the right way could be wrong, i would still carry on to the right. It's like i'm programmed to do just that. So getting lost is just one of my traits. Let's just say that is how i roll.

All in all, Brisbane is going to be in one of my favorite cities. Heck, i say Brisbane had me at the Immigration Officer's hello.

Monday, August 13, 2012


I just bought ticket to Elton John concert in Perth.

Bad, bad, bad!

So bad!

Mr. is definitely going to kill me tonight.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Lazy Monday

It's not really a lazy Monday. I just don't know where i'm heading with this. I have an hour to kill before my dentist appointment, so lets talk. Have i told you that i hate dentist? I think majority of the world population hate them, right? I tried as much as possible to avoid dentist but today i will yield. It's time. I'm scheduled for teeth whitening. And that doesn't mean i will say goodbye to drinking coffee. Not a chance. Not i a million years i will give up coffee. I'm used to having 2 to 3 cups of coffee a day since i'm in my mother's womb. So, lets not talk about life without coffee.

Anyway, next week i will fly to Brisbane to see the Jersey Boys, so, yay! That will be the last shows for entertainment in my calendar for this year. Actually i'm hoping to get a ticket for Elton John's concert in Jakarta but it's all sold out. All i can hope for is a miracle to happen. But then, i would not dare to hope high. If it's meant to be, then it's meant to be, right?

And by the way, Shedding the Extra project will resume. This time it will be slightly different than last time. I will still be counting my calories intake, a little exercise (i bought a new sneakers for this purpose), and most importantly, i will implement the green organic drink into my diet. Yes, it is yucky. But a girl gotta do what a girl gotta do, right?

Wednesday, July 25, 2012


i'm home..!

Yes, i know. It's July. I skipped June.
I have been away but now i'm back. For good. I think. Let's just hope so.

So, here's what happened in chronological since my last post.

1. Quit my job. I think i've covered that.
2. Go back to my mother's house.
3. Eat, drink and sleep.
4. Start the used clothing business that i've been planning for like a month.
5. Clothing business went down the gutter.
6. Run out of money.
7. Cancelled trip to Cambodia.
8. Start house renovation.
9. Bank emptied.
10. Start a construction company.
11. Renovation completed.
12. I moved back to Sandakan and to my new CRIB!
13. Employed first employee. My sister.
14. Watch Annie in Singapore.
15. Cats got spayed.

And that covered pretty much of what has happened.

Oh, and i almost forgot to mentioned that i moved in to my new office today. And i just bought two bonsai tree as well.

So, i take back what i said months ago cause i did come back to doing construction. It's the only thing that i am really good at. Actually, let me correct that, i'm also good at sewing.

Check out my new project.

Kindly ignore the model. My sister did little justice to the dress.

Will update again soon.

Monday, May 28, 2012


This post is a proof that i'm still alive.

A lot of things happened since my last update. I have been busy and i have been lazy as well. After a month of being jobless i still do not feel like i'm really off the hook, you know what i mean? And it certainly does not feel like a vacation at all.

But i did discovered one good thing of being jobless, that when i fell sick i can really be sick. I am having a mild fever, flu, cough right now and i'm enjoying it to the fullest. I have been spending 2 days in bed by doing nothing but sleep all day. It's uncomfortable but it feels good cause for once i can be sick and not be bothered by office works.

So i think that's all for now. Will update again as soon as i get my mojo back.

I'm dying.

This is what i googled just now.

People could die of waiting you know.

Monday, April 30, 2012

I hate April

yeah, i truly do.

So, it has been a while isn't it? In the last few weeks i have been working like a dog. It's true. At some point i even think that the only title suited me well is "slave". I was gritting my teeth the whole time and never stop counting the days until i can finally leave this hell hole.

Last week i was at my lowest. The longer i spent my time in the office the more angry i became. I tried to spend more time at the construction site but i will always end up pulled back to sit in the office doing the stupid paper work which are endless! And so it happened. I'm not sure what exactly ticked me off but i finally exploded. To poor Mr. I was like a mad man screaming in the car yelling at Mr, "IF I'M STILL HERE NEXT WEEK, I'M GOING TO KILL MYSELF! YOU MARK MY WORDS! I'M GOING TO DRIVE TOWARDS THE ELECTRIC POST, YOU JUST WAIT AND SEE!"

So, today is the week that i'm talking about. But i won't go and kill myself cause today is my last day of working. And the weird thing is that i'm not really sad or happy the fact that today is really my last day here. I'm more anxious actually. I'm afraid that i would be asked to spend another minutes in this company. If that happened then i would go and jump off the cliff.

I can't be calmed until it's 5pm. So i'm pretty much a grumpy right now.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Cherry Blooming Trip part 1

Day 1

So, after a series of unfortunate events, i finally made it to Osaka in one piece. Safe and sound. It was my birthday when i set foot in Osaka. I was staying in Hotel Monterey Grasmere which is very near to the shopping district. From afar i can see the hotel name on top of the building and yet i spent at least an hour circling the same area trying to find the hotel entrance, which located at the 22nd floor.

After checked in i straight away hit the bed. I haven't had any sleep from the day before and it was very unusual of me not to sleep during the flight. The flight from KL to Osaka takes about 6 hours and i did not fall asleep once. Strange, right? And another strange thing happened after i checked in, when i'm about to dozed off the phone rang and the receptionist told me that a guy named Mr. Park was looking for me. I asked the receptionist what does the guy want and the she told me that she have no idea (of course right, she was just conveying a message). Then i told her that i've just arrived and i didn't know anybody in Osaka, and no one know that i'm in Osaka except my family. Then i let her deal with the guy herself.

I woke up at noon and start walking around the hotel area. Guided by the iphone map i arrived in Shinsaibashi. One of the longest shopping arcade i ever walked. Was is tiring? Hell, yes it was tiring. I almost thought that people could die from too much walking. Was it fun? It was so-so. It was fun in the beginning, but the more i walked the more bored i became. It's all fashion stores all the way. I think my mum can spend a week here. I didn't even finished walking the whole arcade. I turned back the moment i saw the  LV building. It was just too depressing to go further. Everyone is so fashionable. And everyone is so pretty. Even a grandma was fashionable than me. And there is no way in thousand years that i could ever complete with the mothers at Shinsaibashi.

But it was not all bad for me. I did find some stores that i like. 2 to be exact. One is the antique books shop and another is the fabric shop. Aside from old japanese books, the antique book store is also selling old paintings. This is the thing that draws me in. I could spend hours in a place like this. When i started looking at the paintings the shop owner straight away come to me and give me a chair. How convenient is that? In the end, i bought 2 woodblock paintings. I only buy things that speak to me.

One of my loot.

Day 2

The day for hanami. And also the day the North Korea expected to launch their rocket. But if i were to die today, i wont have any regret cause i have seen the sakura bloom. O, i tell you, the sight simply amazing, spectacular, magnificent, mind blowing and etc! The moment i set foot in Osaka Castle Park, i thought i've stepped in some kind of fairytale world, cause everything was in soft pink colour! Not only that the place itself is romantic but it is also drawing you to be romantic as well. I could have said "yes" to any proposal in this place. When i was here, i did saw 3 couples taking their pre-wedding photos. And never in my entire life i ever see guys so excited just as much as i am about pink flower. That's the power of sakura blooming.

More sakura trees ahead. This is just the entrance of the pinkish madness.

Day 3

I thought of visiting Hyogo or Kyoto today but i cancelled because i actually don't really care about fulfilling my itinerary. Call it lazy or rebellious, i just don't care. This was supposed to be my leisure trip. So, Kyoto can wait till next time.

So instead, i decided to visit Kinokuniya book store at Umeda. So i splurge a bit. There's nothing wrong with that right?

Part 2 of my blabbering will be posted once i go back home. Or sooner if i'm bored. Or maybe a bit late if i'm busy. 

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Silver Lining

I have a sad story to tell.

I missed my flight to Osaka last night. To quote Emily Dickinson, i am a kin to bad luck.

I have a connecting flight from Sandakan - Kuala Lumpur - Osaka last night. Knowing Airasia's reputation, i wisely arranged for 12 hours transit just to be safe. But who knows that even 12 hours was not enough. My flight from Sandakan was initially at 1200 hours and i was suppose to fly to Osaka at 0100 hours the next day, but fate decided to have fun with me and had me missed the plane. The story was, Airasia re-timed my flight at 1200 hours to 1620 hours. But 1620 was still okay for me cause i will able to catch the following flight. Then the dice was thrown again and this time i was informed that the plane suffered some technical difficulties and my flight delayed until 2200 hours. If i were to wait until 2200 hours i knew for sure that my hope of being at Osaka the next day was toasted. So i have requested for an earlier flight which supposed to leave Sandakan at 2105 hours. That way i still can catch my next flight cause Sandakan - Kuala Lumpur journey is approximately 3 hours. For your info, Sandakan have only 3 flights daily to Kuala Lumpur. By reserving a seat for the 2105 hours flight, i thought i was saved. But fate wasn't done with me. Again, the 2105 hours flight was delayed for an hour due to weather difficulties and i knew that i'm officially toasted. But you see, i'm the kind of person that believe in miracle. So i boarded the plane anyway, hoping that the plane to Osaka suffered some delay as well. But poor me.

The fact that the plane leave without me was the climax in my sad story. But that was not the complete sad story. There were still some cherries and peanuts along with the main course. For instance, before flying to Kuala Lumpur, i met my boss at Sandakan airport. was awkward! I'm not talking about my superior, or my manager, the boss i see everyday at work. I'm talking about the Big Boss, the CEO, the owner of the company i'm working at. And if the boss is a guy i can easily turned the meeting around by just being cute (don't judge me), but that is not the case. This is a She-Boss. So i decided to just be myself and not a kiss-a**. Our immediate conversation was about the reason why i'm leaving her company. Couldn't be more awkward than that, right?

Right now, i still have 10 hours before my flight to Osaka, so i'll just continue torturing your brain with my story. Don't hate me, i'm so lonely that i have no one to talked to. So, just bear another half an hour with me, okay?

So, let us continue. After the dangerous encounter with my boss, the flight to Kuala Lumpur was no pleasant journey either. Why? Because i was seated between 2 guys. The guy on my right was a Gorilla,he was so big that his elbow was sticking at my waist during the entire 3 hours flight. The guy on my left was a skinny guy but he seems to emit funny smell in every 10 minutes! I have no idea what the smell was but my guess would be fart. He did went to the toilet a few times during the flight. And i thought to myself that i can turned the things around so i tried to empty my mind and meditate but the baby seated at the back wont allowed me doing so. The baby was crying every half an hour that i can only feel sorry for the parents. So instead of meditating, i was chanting "silver lining" in my mind during the whole flight.

After reaching Kuala Lumpur, i was not surprised to find that the flight to Osaka already departed. The surprising thing was to find i was actually calmed about it. It was 0130 hours in the morning and there were no officers available to help me. I was told that the officers in charged were to start work at 0430 hours. By that time i was already tired of waiting and i don't think i can wait another 3 hours just to be told that there are no flight available for me the next day. So i decided to take the matter on my own. I booked the next available flight to Osaka with Malaysia Airlines on my phone.

So the next thing to do was to get a rest before my flight. I walked to the nearest Tune Hotel which is 7 minutes away, dragging my luggage through the rough concrete walkway, only to find out that there was no vacant room. Can you imagine how frustrated i am that time? So i have no choice but to walk back to the airport to catch a taxi to any available hotel. It was almost 2.00 am and the walkway was dark. You have to go through a kilometre of dark parking lot and i was hearing a few creepy whistles along the way. In a dark walkway like that, crime is just a thing that waiting to happen. And i never stop chanting "silver lining" the whole time.

And now that i have my rest, ate my breakfast, safe and comfortable in Concorde Inn, i'm beginning to think whether if thing is finally going back on the right track, or it is just the calm before the storm.

But fate, i beg you, joke no more.

Monday, April 9, 2012

The long delayed project

..finally finished!

I wish my niece was here to help me model this. 

The headless mannequin did not justified the hardship i've gone through.


I have been away for quite sometimes aren't i? Nothing happened. I just been busy. Yes, i was very busy these few weeks. Why? Because i finally handover my resignation letter last month. So, this month would be my last as an employee. Next month i would join a new group. The jobless. But i would be a bit different from the rest of them. Special, i would say. Cause i would be jobless and have nothing but mortgage hanging on my neck.

Why the stupid move, you say? Just cause. Don't look at me. It's all Neptune's doing. I have nothing to do with it. I'm innocent as a baby. I am, really!

I want to explain, if you care to listen. This may sound stupid but up until now, everything the astrology and fengshui predict of me were never wrong. Earlier this year when i read the astrology forecast that i might change my job and even move out of town in a sudden, i too, thought that the astrology has never been funnier. But that's the mystery of life. So during the last transit, i had a change of heart. Suddenly i felt so tired of my current job. I just want to stop doing what i do everyday. The more i tried to contain myself the more i hated my job. The more patient i become, the more disgusted i felt. From the moment the idea of resigning pop in my head, never once i looked at my job and saw Barney's Tea-Cup-Pig. So when my boss asked me of my reason, i told him that i'm just bored. I even exaggerated it a bit. I told him that i would die if i see myself doing the same thing for 10 more years.

So, here i am. About to be jobless. Not a cent of saving. Even if i did save something in the past, everything will be reset to zero cause i'm flying to Osaka tomorrow. A holiday, resignation, money, debts, all that are different things and can't be talked altogether, alright?

So now, what will i do?

Maybe it's time to launch the business project.

Anybody want to loan me money?

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

the one that got away

In another life, i will make you stay..

I hate this melancholic feeling.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

My forged *ahem*

Have you guys checked out Voltage's new apps? The "My Forged Wedding" app?

What do you think of it? My reaction was, OMG!!!!!

This was way WAY DIFFERENT from Pirates in Love.

Why? Because there was scene of love making in the game! 

Well it was not that obvious, and there were no picture of it but there were conversations like 

" " 

or "..." 

or "...!!!" 

I mean, how obvious is that? 

I was alone in my room when i played the ending but still i can feel that my cheeks are burning hot.

Nevertheless, i'm amused.

update :- There was only one naughty character. The others were quite decent. Hehe, i tried it all.

Wicked Weekend

Last week i spend my precious weekend time flying back and forth just in pursuit of pleasure. So it was a very tiring short trip. Just like the Jakarta trip i did last month, but this one was more tiring. It was, hmmm, let me think, i started the journey on Saturday and finished it by Monday. My travel route Sandakan - Kuala Lumpur - Singapore - Kuala Lumpur - Kota Kinabalu - Hong Kong - Kota Kinabalu - Sandakan. I can't escaped the transits.

My first time in Singapore. The taxi driver was nice. Love the shadowy road to Marina Bay. Love the promenade. Love the atmosphere. 

Love the theater.

Singapore is painfully expensive. Even so, i still failed to remember the currency conversion factor the moment i touched down Singapore.

The view from my hotel room. I stayed at HarbourView Hotel in Hong Kong. Yes, the view was supposedly overlooking the Victoria Harbour, but just look at that, isn't it rather disappointing?

I took a brief walk at the promenade and checked out the golden bauhinia flower before went inside the convention center for Il Divo's concert.

This time i got a really good seat for myself. I was 6 seats away from the stage. And i was expecting a mind blowing performance and stimulating experience. But instead it was rather a disappointment for me. First, the orchestra group changed. Actually i didn't notice the orchestra until the first song started. I don't know about others but i do notice some awkward notes there, but they do get better after the first half. The conductor was the same though. And, i think the acoustic was also a bit disappointing, maybe because the area was big like a stadium. The sound system's 12 feet high speaker was right at my face and i'm still not impressed. Luckily Il Divo's performance was able to cover all the defects. Lessons learned. Next time, choose your venue carefully.

The next morning was my flight home, but before going to the airport i decided to visit Causeway Bay which was on the way. I love the Mc Donald's breakfast variations.

By the way, i took a stroll at Victoria Park and found out that there's a Flower Festival going on at the park! Am i just lucky or what? It was a nice stroll indeed. The air smells of beautiful flower and the sights, oh my eyes just bask at the sight of thousands colouful flower.

On the way to airport, i noticed a building covered with clouds or fogs or whatever that is. I wonder what does it feels to be at the top of that building.

And at the airport, i spent every last dime on useless stuffs. My initial intention was good. I thought of giving Mr.Sully to my niece, but then i remembered her favorite colour is pink, not blue. Besides Mr.Sully is too cute for me to let go. So in the end i decided that i'll have Mr.Sully all to myself.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Love at first sight

It is real.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

2nd attempt

... was an epic failure.

But i'll let that go. I have accepted the fact that i might not, ever, be able to taste the heavenly combination of sweet and sour by blueberry and cheese. Oh, they are perfect together.

Then, i went to another cake shop. This time i was ready. I set my mind that i wanted to buy a few slices of cakes for my mother, who is coming to visit me tomorrow. I bought 8 slices and it was easy. Of course i choose the cakes according to my taste.

Back to my office, i made myself a coffee and took a slice to my table. And right now, my coffee almost finish but i'm still staring at the cake.


This really is the essence of torture. My mouth is watering and yet i could only stare at the cake.

I guess it is for my own good to start eating healthy right now. But if i had known that the hypnosis effect is this serious, i would have a feast before embarking on this journey.



What do you know about hypnosis? In the past, i have always heard stories of people being hypnotized on the street and robbed of all their belonging afterwards. But often when the topic hypnosis being discussed, people (i mean the people around me) quickly to decide that hypnosis is related to black magic. Well, i used to think that way until i saw Keith Barry Deception show on Discovery Channel last night. And yes, it's real. They said that hypnosis was experimented or maybe even practiced by Stalin as well as the CIA. Isn't that scary? The fact the people can plant anything on your mind and you will never know about it.

So that carried me to the iphone apps that said were able to give hypnosis. There's a particular app that suppose to help you lose weight by hypnotizing you. Of course i was skeptical, in the past. This app interest me because the last time i saw it, i made a mental note to myself to make a joke about it later, but then i never get the chance to. So, after seeing Keith Barry show, i thought to myself why don't i give it a try. And so i did.

There's not much i remembered about the session. Only a few things comes to mind, i remembered guide voice telling me that he or she (not sure) want to speak to my unconscious mind, and something about eating healthy, no sweet and fattening food, and maybe an occasional exercise. But the most clear thing i remembered is when the voice tell me to wake up and open my eyes. The session was about 38 minutes, and after it finished i went straight to sleep.

So this morning, i woke up as usual, but i was hungrier than most of my mornings. On the way to work i made my usual stop to the bakery i usually go. I went inside, grab a tray and went to my usual spot where the blueberry cheese buns located. Standing in front of my favorite pastry, wanting picked one but i just can't drive my hand to it. Then, i thought maybe i was just hesitating so i moved on to another spot. This time it was the Nasi Kuning (yellowed rice by turmeric, steamed with coconut milk, and wrapped together with other mixes in banana leaves), and still i cannot bring myself to pick it up. And that time i thought to myself, MY GOD, WHAT HAVE I DONE?????!!!!!!!!

I circled around inside the bakery a few times but even then i still cannot picked up my favorite pastry. In the end, i settled for orange juice and 2 slices of sandwich. I mean, who really eat sandwich in the morning? I thought sandwich only served in hospitals? Even when i'm on my strict diet i would never in a million years make a pass on the blueberry cheese buns!

Life without the blueberry cheese bun taste bland.


But maybe it's just me who overreact.

I will try to buy those blueberry cheese bun again this afternoon.

Monday, March 12, 2012

My first sewing project

I started my first sewing project last Saturday. My first sewing machine cost me RM250. I bought online and the price already include the shipping cost. Mad cheap right? I was skeptical at first. I told myself there's no way that a sewing machine plus delivery cost only RM250. Or, maybe i misunderstood, that it was actually a toy sewing machine. But i say, what the hell, if it really is a scam then i only have to lose RM250 and a lesson to learn. So, i went for it anyway.

The package arrived the next day as the shipping was by PosLaju. The box felt very light. My heart started to race.

Look promising

It's not a toy, but does it work?

So, i finally started to sew, but not without distractions of course.

Tada! Finished in 3 hours.

I almost gave up in the middle, but i have a motivational thought that i kept on repeating to myself the entire time. It was, "Sewing machine could not be any complex than a car, so sewing should be easier than driving a car!"

The dress is not perfect as it seemed. I did quite a few mistake. And the biggest one is that i accidentally cut a hole at the finished bodice. So, that's the reason for the tulle flower pinned there. I thought about covering it with a heart shaped patch but i don't have any fabric that would provide a nice contrast to the dress colour.

I got the dress pattern from BurdaStyle. Very easy to follow. You literally just have to cut and sew.

So, my next project would be a blouse. But first, fabric shopping!