Wednesday, July 25, 2012


i'm home..!

Yes, i know. It's July. I skipped June.
I have been away but now i'm back. For good. I think. Let's just hope so.

So, here's what happened in chronological since my last post.

1. Quit my job. I think i've covered that.
2. Go back to my mother's house.
3. Eat, drink and sleep.
4. Start the used clothing business that i've been planning for like a month.
5. Clothing business went down the gutter.
6. Run out of money.
7. Cancelled trip to Cambodia.
8. Start house renovation.
9. Bank emptied.
10. Start a construction company.
11. Renovation completed.
12. I moved back to Sandakan and to my new CRIB!
13. Employed first employee. My sister.
14. Watch Annie in Singapore.
15. Cats got spayed.

And that covered pretty much of what has happened.

Oh, and i almost forgot to mentioned that i moved in to my new office today. And i just bought two bonsai tree as well.

So, i take back what i said months ago cause i did come back to doing construction. It's the only thing that i am really good at. Actually, let me correct that, i'm also good at sewing.

Check out my new project.

Kindly ignore the model. My sister did little justice to the dress.

Will update again soon.