Monday, January 14, 2013

Kavana - Will you wait for me

This song will always haunt me in my dreams.

I used to have the biggest crush on this British pop star. Actually, if i may correct that, i still, am, up to this date, crazy and madly in love like a wanton fool over this guy. Doesn't matter that he put up a little weight. It's his voice that taunt your soul. Makes you aching for more. I used to have his album in a cassette, which i bought using my allowance. I remembered my father scolding me of spending his money on useless stuff (according to him). That was 15 years ago. Now the cassette was long gone missing but i still listened to Kavana on my iphone, thanks to iTunes. Heh.

Just listen to him. Don't you feel that his voice just taunt your soul?