I have it. I am obsessed with books. Especially with paranormal and fantasy books. I am not always like this you know. I usually had my regular dose of Mills & Boon, or Harlequin Temptation once a month. But now, i could finished 1 whole book in a day. Almost every night i had a late night sleep because of this. And to make matter worst, i have ordered more books online. Next week i'm expecting to received around 20 books. Please tell me it is not that bad. It is not that bad right? I mean book reading is suppose to be healthy. It must be doing something good to the mind. Just look at the Japanese, they read everywhere. Even when they are in the subway queuing to enter the train, still a book must be at hand. And why i am panicking over this? I should not. It's just that i have probably spent over a thousand just for books in this year. And the year 2010 is not even over. I still have November and December ahead of me and how am i going to go through those 2 cold months without any books to keep me warm? And don't tell me the library is my salvation. The public library that we had here is not the kind of up-to-date library. Sure, you might find some good old romance novel like Judith's, but i have read all that.

By the way, i am currently reading Seven Ancient Wonders by Matthew Reilly. It is not my cup of tea really. I prefer romance rather than thriller. But i am willing to give it a try. I'm sure if i can handle Sidney's Doomsday Conspiracy, reading this should be just like sipping my tea in a garden. So, bring it on Matthew.