Monday, February 7, 2011

My Series of Unfortunate Events

I had a series of bad luck at the end of last month and beginning of this month. Nothing major. Or shall i call it mini series of unfortunate events?

The first bad luck i encountered happened last week. It was raining non-stop for 3 days and some roads were flooded. And you think flood means stay home? No, hell no. In the company where i work, even when the tsunami hit our office i still have to come to work. So, going to work means i have to cross over 5 flood spot on the road. Good thing my car is a 4-wheel drive. But being able to drive though the flood doesn't mean my car's tyres is proof to puncture. The punc were 2 times, and each time 2 tyres involved. To sum up, last week i've had 4 punc repairs!

The second was having caught an ailment. Well, it's nothing serious. I would say it is just a mild illness. It's a cough, actually. You may see that coughing is rather a nasty habit than an illness, but the type of cough i have is so irritating that i just want to stay at home and be done with it. I seldom cough, but when the cough resurface it will be so difficult to get rid off. And did i mentioned that i attend a lot of meetings? Meeting + cough = Airplane + cough = Annoying. Still coughing at the moment.

Third, was seeing my nephew Arthur admitted to ICU for having a high fever and seizure at the same time. He is just 1 year old and have yet learn to walk. It just break my heart to see those little hands and legs were pierced by needles. The night i arrived home, he still laughing and playing. Then the next morning he was on the trolley, no shirt on, tubes all over his body, with his half closed eyes, and you know he's in pain. It's just a cruel sight. Not fair. Babies should not suffer like that. Maybe it was God's way of punishing the parents. Don't tell me there's a silver lining in this. God is just mean.

Lastly, which i hope it to be, last night i come back from my Chinese New Year holiday, returned to my rented apartment, only to find out that the electricity distribution board flamed up. The whole block has no power. In fact, my neighbour informed me that it has been like that for 3 days and neither the developer nor the power provider want to bear responsibilities and take action. My fridge smells like dead animal. My room feels like oven. So, what i do next was pick up my stuff and went to the nearest hotel. But i don't like staying in hotel even if it was presidential suite when my apartment is just 10 minutes away. I miss my bed, my tv, my computer, the piles of book besides my bed. In my apartment everything i need is just an arm away. Now in the hotel everything i need is 10 minutes away. Huge different. I feel like a stranger in Sandakan.

Does it get worser than this? Thinking of getting my self lime leaves this evening. Chinese beliefs that if you take bath in water soaked with lime leaves will wash away the bad luck. Whether it's true or not, i don't know. But it will not hurt to try this out.