Tuesday, May 28, 2013


I'm falling back to my old habits.

But before i dwell into that, i want to assure you that i am a good person (i think). I am nice. I don't do drugs. I don't smoke. I don't do crime. I rarely (almost never) tell lies. I give to charity (once awhile). The point is, i am nice.

Yet despite all the above Nobel-Prize worthy qualities, i actually do have some vices. And you only need to know one. The others are (almost) insignificant.

It's gambling.

Hi, my name is Angel and i'm addicted to gambling.

The thing about gambling is that it is never about the money. It is all about the winning. The feeling of satisfaction and triumph, you can't get it anywhere else. Not by skydiving nor drugs can imitate it. The exact words i used to describe the feeling of winning to my sister were;

"Remember the feeling you had when you first fell in love? Now times that to 10. I rather win lottery than falling in love"

It has been months since i last gamble. I was doing fine until this morning my friend told me that she has won 3 times in a row and had accumulated RM90k winning money. That my friend, is what a trigger look like.

Now i'm fired up!