Sunday, September 8, 2013

Manila trip

I just got back from Manila today. It was 5 days and 4 nights trip. And the trip sucks big time. I was travelling with a friend who brought her 1 year old infant to the trip. So, naturally, the baby cried during the entire trip. Even when napping or sleeping she would cry every 15 freaking minutes. Every time she got hold of something (dirty) and you tried to take it away from her, she would start throwing tantrums. It was MENTAL! I think I've suffered some bleeding in my ears.

So, everyday during the 5 days trip, we would go out at 10 am and come back to our hotel before 12 pm, just because she decided what the adults do was not fun enough for her. We were stuck in our hotel room all the time. Never once during the entire trip we eat anything but from a room service. Our bathroom reeks of overnight diapers. I think everyday the housekeeping staff must be dreading to clean our room.

So, yeah, to sum it all, a baby ruined my trip.