Monday, September 2, 2013

September's here..

Great.. it's already September. Can time go any faster than this? Here's what happened while I'm dilly dallying with my time;

1. My grandfather passed away. Yea, yea, I know it's for the best. Whatever. I told you, I've harden my heart a long time ago.

2. I sew a lot. I think that qualify me to put sewing as my hobby. For someone who works in engineering, and wears safety helmet and muddy boots to work, the idea of me sewing may sound stupid. As my mother would phrased it, "useless". But I like sewing. Sewing is like a therapy to me. Once I'm on the machine, it was like I'm in a trance. The moment I start to sew, everything else stops, and so are my thoughts and worries.

3. I've stopped dieting. My mother stayed with me more than 3 weeks. So I got distracted. I guess I gained back whatever I've lost. And now I've developed a phobia to go anyway near the weighing scale.

4. Last month I went to watch the Phantom of the Opera in Singapore with my sister. Not that the show matters. But if you asked me, I think it was great. It was better than the movie. All disgust and hatred I felt towards the Phantom vanished. Suddenly I saw the Phantom in a new lights. Through the show, all his griefs and yearning somehow reached to me. Anyway, the main reason I mentioned this events was because of what happened before the show. You see, I have booked a deluxe room at the Marina Bay hotel, and asked for a non-smoking room with twin beds. And when they couldn't find the combo that I asked, they upgraded my room to a Suite! I've never stayed in a Suite in my entire life! I know that may sound just like any other day in your life but to me it's one of those marked milestones in my life. Because in my 'just-another-day' life, the lady luck hardly glanced at my way.

5. My baby brother birthday was last month. Instead of getting him an electronic gadget which he seldom appreciates, I got him a new wallet. I'm going on 'tough love' on him. Trust me, spoiling a person may sound cute but in the end it will gives you a rotten product. I miss the cassette and VCR days.