Thursday, October 21, 2010

Off to Yogyakarta, then Bali

I'm leaving tonight. My flight from Sandakan depart at 2100 and arrive KL at 2345. Will be stranded at the airport at least 7 hours before next flight to Yogyakarta. Yes i could go to the nearest hotel and take a nap but nothing fear me the most than missing my flight. I foresee that this Yogya - Bali trip would be a very tiring. This explain the less excitement i pre-having in this trip. I had only 1 day to savour all Yogya's essense before flying to Bali the next day. Bali should be more relaxing, i hope so. I have been taking the Pill to postpone my period. I don't want to be left outside the temple as women who are in the time of their month are forbidden to enter. What else? Oh yes, i also have purposely take out my extra bag for shopping from my backpack. I hope i don't get tempted once in Bali. I can do it. Besides i only bring 4 millions rupiah, just enough for 1 week travelling in Indonesia.

So, until then, i will see you again next week.