Monday, October 11, 2010


"If two people love each other, but they just can't seem to get it together, when do you get to that point of enough is enough?

Quoted by Samantha from The Mexican.

An evergreen movie. I can watch this movie again and again. Love the comedy and love the spontaneity. I especially love the question which the assassin ask Samantha (Julia Roberts), then Samantha later ask the same to her boyfriend Jerry (Brad Pitt) and Jerry answer her, "Never".

The question was like a slap to my face. A slap of awakening. I then began to ask my self the same question. And i'm afraid that my answer was not like Samantha nor Jerry. I am currently in a 5.2 years long relationship. Though the numbers seems to be keep adding up, i just cannot see that this is the guy that i'm gonna seal the matrimony with. Every time i ask my self the question, i just failed to answer. At least Samantha still answer with her mumblings. In the end, i end up postponing to answer to next year.

The truth is, i dont know the answer. I dont know how people evaluate their relationship. Am i happy with him? Sometimes yes, sometimes no. See? Nothing is certain. In life. Except death. Maybe i should list the pros and cons. Let relationship be the defendant, Mr. Boyfriend will be the Defender, and I am the Prosecutor. But that is not fair either, because I always win. Dont believe? Ask Ally McBeal.

Or maybe i should do this the engineers' way. Do some investigation, collect data, calculation, and in the end pick what ever is effective and economic. Translate to more humane language, cheap and good to go. The term of "cheap" should be about my financial interest. So is it cheap, yes it's very cheap. But is it good to go? I'm afraid not. The engine is quite old and will require some maintenance here and there. When i say engine i don't mean Mr. Boyfriend's performance. He certainly don't have any problem in that area and i have nothing to complain.

So lets talk about Mr. Boyfriend here. Let me tell you about him. His look was a bit (0.01%) lower than average. But most importantly is that he is nice to me. In fact he is too nice. He always spoils me, not with luxury of course, but with kind gestures such as making sure that my refrigerator always full, cook nice dinner for me, surprised me by cooking lunch, sometimes wake up to find that breakfast is already served. And that 's not it. He is the only guy who have ever clean my apartment and do all my laundry. Imagine that you wake up one morning and saw the huge pile of 1 week dirty clothes was already washed clean and hanged for drying? Despite all that he got vices too. Mr. Almost Perfect Boyfriend is a heavy smoker. To kiss a smoker is a nightmare for me. And he is not the kind of person that which you can have a heart to heart session. If you are feeling low, don't bother talking to him because he will make you feel even worst. That is why I always call him "a mood spoiler". Talking to him will always let you down. The only nice conversation we ever had is through the phone. That is why sometimes being in this 5.2 years relationship can very lonely. So what it's gonna be? I think that i'm gonna pause here. We'll continue to talk about this maybe sometime somewhere in next year. For now, we'll just let it be.