Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Hail to the King of Fruits!

This morning i told my friend in UK that now it's durian season in Sabah. She scold me for telling her that. My replied was, "yeah, must be sucks to be you right now".

I actually ate all of those by myself, without any help from anyone.

The taste of durian for me is indescribable. The words describing durian taste like 'custard flavored almond', or 'sweet raspberry blancmange', or 'honey caramel milk', does not even come close.

I always loved the moment when you had your first glimpsed on the durian flesh when opening the husk. And then, the first touch, when you take it in your finger, gently putting into your mouth, lips start ravishing, tongue began the tasting, your whole body sigh in appreciation and in that tick second your mind tells you that this is heaven on earth.

The fact that the famous TV bizarre food eater Andrew Zimmern described durian taste like "rotten mushy onions" astound me greatly. How can human with brain despised it so much? Not only squirrel, but even tiger loves durian.

I would say that, a world without durian fruits are dull.