Friday, September 16, 2011

I wish it was autumn in Beijing

but it's not..

It was only the beginning of autumn. Here is my photos illustrated story when i was in Beijing.

It was 6 hours and a half flight to reach Beijing from KL.

Spotted something on the airplane window. Is that snowflakes?

Beijing Airport. Saw a policeman and an insanely adorable K9 on duty.

On the way to Great Wall in Badaling. Traffic jam due to accident (not surprised at all, i even think that all Beijingist should sign up for the Grand Prix after seeing their driving skill)

The driver offered me tidbits which he picked from the road side to keep me amused.

Finally we're moving again after stranded for more than half an hour.

Reached Badaling and took a tram to the Great Wall. Don't judge me. You should come here and see the Great Wall for your self. It was scarier than Mt. Kinabalu.

I didn't even have the guts to take more than one step from this point where i'm standing and taking picture. I know. I'm not proud of it. I should tell you that after i get down, i didn't even try to look at the shops selling souvenirs like T'shirts with writing "I CLIMBED THE GREAT WALL" on it.

View on my left.

View on my right. I'm content with just this. The view is beyond beautiful. I could just sit there, do nothing and only looking at the view all day. The Great Wall really did look like a serpent in the middle of those mountains.

After half a day at the Great Wall we went back to the city and checked in to the Crowne Plaza Hotel. The only score point for this hotel is that it is situated near to the Wangfujing area and within walking distance to Forbidden City. But i think it's too over priced. For price like that i could be treated like king in other place. And did you know that this so called 5 star hotel didn't have free wifi in the room? You have to dig deeper in your pocket to have the luxury of internet in your room. I have stayed in a no star hotel with free wifi 24 hours! The only free internet is the one at the lobby but with limitation. Meanings you can't surf Facebook, or Youtube or any other foreign website. How wonderful is that? F@#$*ing scammer!

Since we checked in late, we also had our lunch late. It's difficult to find restaurant after 2pm. So we have no choice but to go to KFC. And again, it was just a disappointment after disappointments. Maybe it was just me who are too picky but i feel that Beijing culinary failed to meet my expectations. In fact, i lose some weight when i'm here. Really.

Beautiful church on the way to Wangfujing shopping center. 3 times i pass through here, i saw 4 different couples taking their pre-wedding photos. Nice spot indeed.

Steel plates on the road to cover potholes (i suppose). And every time any vehicle pass through it, you would thought there were earthquakes.

Wavy building. It's a shopping center. The clothes i found here make my air tickets look shamefully cheaper.

Vertical shot of the church in Wangfujing. Right photo is the flower in my room. Thank God it was real flower. Our room need no perfume because the flower fragrant is all over the room.

Gold colour building still in construction. My guess this building will be painful to look at in the summer.

The street where money is your enemy.

I believe that this is Kapok Hotel. Steel frames covering the glass wall inside. Eccentric. Look gloomy though.

Art shop on the way to Forbidden City where i bought some paintings under a conscious mind.

Trolley bus to bring you right in front of the palace's South gate. In other words, it's the lazy bums way to go to the South gate. Not that i'm rather adventurous but it was super close. I will show you why.

Follow me please. From the same spot turn left and walk for about a hundred meters.

Then after you reached the corner end, turn and walk another 300m. With shadowy walkway like that and river scenery on your left, you'll be at the entrance gate at no time.

See, i told you!

We've passed the South gate and the first thing that strike me was.. would you look at that? Bicycles in the Forbidden City? If an emperor saw this those 2 peasants would be long gone. Anyway, back to business, the Forbidden City divided into 2 part, the Outer Court and Inner Court. Outer Court is comprised by number of halls where ceremonies will be held. Inner Court on the other hand is where the emperor and his empress and concubines residing. So one side of the city is boring stuff, and the other side is where the interesting stuff happens. But i wont tell you all that because this is not China 101. Let's just say there were empress gone nuts, suicide, sacrifices, basically all the normal wicked stuff.

Extravagant hall with impressive details on the ceiling. I've seen similar interlocking pattern in Japan's Meiji Jingu.

The deeper it is, the more exclusive it became.

The Emperor's throne. This is the best i can't get. The door to this view is only approximately 3 meters wide and here you have to push through thousands of tourist if want to to have a look at it. Well, i have traveled more than 5000 miles to get here, i'll be crazy not to push through the menial crowds. Did you see there's a guy squatting in front of the throne? It appear that there was a film shooting at that moment. Once again, a slap into the emperor's face. Don't know why i'm so furious about this. I just love history.

There's a fun thing to do when you're in the Forbidden City. In here, superstition is a joke. You start by touching something that look important or intriguing, like the above photo, and others will start copying you like an epidemic. Seriously, it's hilarious.

One of the court in 'expressive colour' mode. The building definitely looked younger. Too bad this mode only worked on buildings and not people.

Large stone carving. You suppose to see 9 dragons in there.

I don't know if this is suppose to be a lion or a tiger. Looked fierce though. But with that ball on it's paw, ribbon on it's neck and curled tail, hmmm.. a dog maybe?

Emperor's throne in another hall.

Last part of the palace is the Imperial Garden. Here all the trees looked like perfectly sculptured. And these particular trees on the above photo are special. Because of it's entwined branch on the top, the emperor believe it's a symbol of love. There's one particular emperor and empress had their photos taken right after their wedding underneath this very tree.

Finally the North door. Remember Karate Kids? The one with Jackie Chan and Jayden Smith? Now this is the time to touch something.

View of the North gate from outside.

After we finished with Forbidden City, we continue to Beihai Park. See that White Dagoba on top of the hill? I CLIMBED THAT! I'm so proud of my self.

It's a bell tower. Ring that 3 times and you'll be safe the whole year. It's way better than investing in insurance. Besides, it'll only cost you 3 yuan.

The Laughing Buddha. Not allowed to take photo inside. But i did rub his tummy. Hopefully he'll be more generous to me in the future.


Stairs to White Dagoba.

455 Buddhas on the dagoba.

A child on strike. He's mad about something, i guess.

Next stop is the Jingshan Park. A lovely park indeed. I sat on a bench for almost an hour and watch passers by. Saw this one old couple strolling the park together. The old man walking with a cane while holding hand with the limping old woman. My heart must be made of stone if i wasn't moved, right?

I broke one of many Jingshan Park rules, that is, by walking barefoot on the grass. I can't help it.

Another old couple on a date in the park. Along with the "no stepping on the grass" sign.

For me, one of the most fun thing to do when you're in another country, is to hit their convenient store. You can tell a lot about the people from their shopping list. It's like you caught a supermodel who just wash her face and no make up.

So, i think that conclude my story of Beijing.