Friday, October 21, 2011


Mr and i went to a pet shop yesterday. We are thinking of adopting a dog. But i was a fool to think that walking into a pet shop was just a simple act of getting an idea of what you getting into. It's not. It's a huge step, indeed. Because the minute i open the door and stepped in, i was already in love with a golden retriever. It was love at first sight.

As soon as i was in the shop, i broke Ceasar Millan's first rule of dog introduction. He said many times in his shows, "no touch, no talk and no eye contact". And i did just that. But can you blame me for being bewitched by a golden retriever? And the moment i locked eyes with her, i already know what i should name her. Goldie. Not because she is a golden retriever and nicknamed golden. But because she reminded me of Goldie Hawn. The similarity was in their eyes, which reminded me of merriment and warm cookies.

I always think that i must have been a dog in one of my past lives. Why? Because i have soft spot for dog and cat fascinates me. I can imagine myself as a dog in my past life, talking to a cat whom i desperately long to touch, "wait till i become a human and i will own you".

If it weren't for i'm still living in an apartment, i would have already bring Goldie home with me yesterday. I expect to get the keys to my new home soon. Only then i can bring her home with me. And i think my cat Miau would get along just fine with her. Did i told you that my cat is the smartest cat in the world? Well, it's true.

He may not mixing well with other cats, and people call him crazy for running around the house like a ghost was chasing him, but i refused to believe that, because i know that he is exceptional. He was not able to get along with other cats because he's above them all. He is not just plain ordinary cat. He's intelligent, he's trainable, he understand me and most of all, he's down to earth kind of cat.

Every time he come back from outdoor, i just give him one look and he know that he's not allowed to get on my bed until i said so. And i just need to tap my lap twice when i want him to come to me. Even my vet said that he's special. While other cats would normally go to sleep within minutes after given anesthetic and will vomit as soon as they wake up, my Miau don't. So my vet advised me to get some heir out of him before i get him neutered. But i don't think i can handle another 10 of him.

And remember Nightfury from How To Train Your Dragon? Nightfury's eyes reminds me of Miau eyes.

Now, i have been yapping more than i intended to. I changed the topic from Goldie to Miau without realizing it. But what can i do?

People do silly things when they're in love, right?