Friday, November 30, 2012

21 days to Doomsday

So, today is the last day of November. I'm sure all the other 7 billions homo sapiens are just curious as i am of what the month of December would bring. As for me, i don't really care whether the world is coming to an end in 21 days or not, i just want to see if the Mayans live up their reputations.

So, as i was summing up my achievements (let's be positive and called it achievement rather than a task done) this year, i come to realize that no matter how many deeds i have done or how much i earned or how far i have traveled, it still doesn't change me. Not even a tiny bit.

Look at me, i'm not any richer than i am in 2011, or any happier, or thinner, or even successful. It's still feels the same. Same old, same old. There's always something missing. Something is not satiated.

Travelling used to be challenging. Now it's more like a child play. I mean who travel over two thousand miles just to sit in a god-know-where-hotel room and read books all day? It's just a lame excuse of not wanting to be found.

It's passion that i'm lack of. How am i suppose to fix that?

Maybe next year i just need to concentrate on one goal. ONE goal only. So, that's it then. I'll only make one resolution for 2013. Hopefully that'll solve the problem.