Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas !

Happy Christmas everyone!

I don't know about you guys, but my Christmas is superb! I haven't go out from my house since yesterday, and for meals i only depended on yesterday's take outs. Mr. Boyfriend plan a fancy dinner at the hotel for me but i rather stay at home. So, on Christmas Eve we're just sit at home eat take outs and watch National Geography (or is it by Discovery Channel?) show about "Tsunami". And today on Christmas Day itself, i stay at home watch another NG show called "Tornado" while Mr. Boyfriend went out to work. Really, working in construction industry, there is no such thing as holiday. Festival celebration is even more ridiculous. If you need a break, then take a leave. And while you're on leave don't expect somebody will fill up your position and do your work. That's why the most stressful part of taking leave is the time when you come back to work. Works will just keep on piling up, in sickness and in health, in good times and in bad, and in joy as well as in sorrow. That is why in construction, i will tell you when i will finish, not you tell me when to finish. Once, i made the mistake by asking my boss when he want the assignment finished, and he gave me the most dreadful answer "Yesterday". So i panicked, my brain jammed, and i sat at my desk for about an an hour before i figured out what to do. Anyway, i have strayed away from my main point. I actually want to talk about Christmas, my Christmas. I may not have anything shining hanging on my wall, let alone a christmas tree, but i do feel that christmas is happening in my heart. I am happy because the people i love and care about are happy. So, this year my Santa give me a 500 gb portable hardisk drive. So not romantic! But i'm touched because i have been meaning to buy it for myself a while ago but never did. After all this time, i guess i'm not just talking to the wall. So, i think that is all for now. I will leave you go on with your Christmas celebration. Meanwhile, i will continue with my reading. FYI, a week before Christmas i have bought 15 books as my Christmas present to myself. It's Christmas, okay! It's one of the exception. In fact, i should get 20. Never mind, New Year is around the corner and it's one of the exception as well. Anyway, for today and tomorrow, i'm having a Sophie Kinsella marathon. Wish me luck!