Wednesday, January 12, 2011

My New Year Loot

After spending new year in my kampung, i flown to Jakarta in the next few days. Yes, again. Soon, i think the Indonesia government will put my name under the suspicious tourists list because i fly to Indonesia more frequent than i do domestically. Even the lady at Dunkin' Donuts (my favorite breakfast spot in Jakarta) do remember me from my last visit. But it was purely and solely business trip. I was there to buy stock for my boutique business. I did not even buy a single piece of clothes for myself. Well, i didn't until my last 2 hours in Jakarta. Oh, i love shopping in the Airport. I can almost find anything i need there. So, here are the things that i got for myself;-

1. 18 years Chivas Regal
(What? i need it for my good night sleep)

2. 6 romance novels
( At this point, i think i had enough of romance. One more peek at the Balogh's, i'm gonna puke all over. Right now, i need something like Eric Weiner's or Matthew Riley's in order to keep things at balance and neutral. I'm also hooked on the Nat Geo, Discovery Channel and Animal Planet shows. Last night, i watched the Rivers Monster episode about Snakehead, and i just found out that it's actually a killer fish. Here, in Malaysia, snakehead is a food and they even served it in the hospitals because it suppose to accelerate the healing process.)

3. French stuff books.
( Told you i'm serious about learning French. Not because i dreamed of going to French anytime soon, it's just one of the thing that i think i need to do)

4. Hypnotic Poison perfume
(I have sought this for a very long time. 6 months to be exact. Couldn't find it in Sabah)

5. Pierre Cardin's wallet
(I don't just shop for leisure. I have a very good reason for needing a new wallet, or purse, or whatever you call it. You know, the Chinese believe that it is very auspicious to own a new wallet at every beginning of the year. And by putting some new money in it will attract more money to come in. Having a damaged purse is a bad sign. Because that mean money will be flowing out from your purse. Call it superstitious, but why fight it when it means you good?)

On my flight back to Malaysia from Jakarta, i saw this view at my window. This was captured with my cellphone's 3 megapixel camera (which i put in flight mode, 100% safe, and didn't disturb the flight operations) so it's pretty much didn't justified the actual view. What i'm trying to say is, the view was just amazing. I was starstruck-ed. It was bluish, serenading, glowing and soft at the same time. That moment, i think to myself, how can this view even possible? And it's not even heaven i'm looking at. I still can't forgive myself for not able to bring a decent camera with me that time.

So, learn from me. Always keep a camera nearby. Cause you don't know when you might just catch that shooting star.