Monday, January 10, 2011

How i spent my 1st day of 2011

So, i'm back from my long vacation. And it feel so good to start this year feeling fresh and energized. I think it is best to go through the end and beginning of the year with people that you cared because this is the time when you're going to feel your best and your worst. In other words, sharing is good for your self. Anyway, i spent my first week of 2011 with my family. We sort of have a family vacation on the 1.1.2011. Actually it's a family picnic. More or less. So, let me tell you my journey from the start.

On the New Year Eve, i plan to drive soon after the countdown to Ranau but there have been a change of plan. Thanks to the Malaya Tiger who won the Suzuki Cup for the first time ever, our so loved Prime Minister Najib announce that 31.12.2010 is a public holiday. So, i decided to revise our journey plan (me and my brother) to leave Sandakan in the afternoon. The journey from Sandakan to Ranau took approximately 5 hours, with my average driving speed 80 - 90 km/hrs. We arrived Ranau at 6.30pm and check in to an inn called Orchid Hotel, which cost me RM70 per night. The cheapest room available at RM30 but i wanted a room with Tv, aircond and hot shower, and in the end i still took bath in cold water because the water heater is broken. So, anyone planning to stay in Orchid Hotel, don't waste your money with the RM70 room. I spent the New Year countdown reading Eric Weiner's book The Geography of Bliss in a small tiny hotel room, while my brother went out having fun and drink with his new friends outside the hotel. I tried to sleep but always awaken by the fireworks explosion sound. I finally dozed off at 4.00 am the same time my brother finally come back to the room.

This is Orchid Hotel and that's my brother. Waiting to be checked-in.

The next morning, New Year day it self, 1.1.2011, we met with the rest of the family at the hotel lobby, took our breakfast and finally depart to the village that lies in the deep heart of Ranau, called Kampung Perancangan. We went to visit our old house which already been demolished.

My brother posing on the granite rock in front of our old house

The rear view of our old house. Can you see the river? It's actually used to be a bigger river with strong flows, but now just look at what 15 years have done to it. The river seems to be dying and full of vegetation. I used to drink, wash and took my bath in this river. It was the only source of water then, aside from the rain.

This is the front view of our house. It's not Mount Kinabalu you're looking at. It's just plain hills covered with clouds.

Another river in front of our house. But you have to cross the road to get there. Max 5 minutes walking distance. This river called Langanan, the water used to be warm because it's polluted by the Mamut Copper Mine. We basically have warm river in front of our house and cold river at the back. So, it's your call. But we usually used the cold one.

The soursop in front of our house. Soursop aka Durian Belanda aka Lampun. I can't believe it's still there and still bearing fruits after all this time! Not my (and apparently everyone) favorite fruit though.

Ads break. My brother hanging onto the soursop tree.

My other brother with his son Arthur.

Our journey not end in Kampung Perancangan only. We still continued from Kampung Perancangan - Kampung Takutan - Kampung Nalumad - Dantayon. My uncle lives in Dantayon. Dantayon, by the way is pain in the ass to reach to. It's basically a hill and my uncle's house built on the peak of the hill. The road up hill is not paved nor gravel. It's made of big block stones and erosion from the rains make the road even worse. And did i told you that it's a hill? But once we reached the top i can understand why my uncle choose to built his house up there. The weather is pleasant, it's breezy, and the view is just soothing. It's actually a surprise visit. We did not pre-inform them that we're coming to visit. So, we caught them in the middle of sobering up from last night drinking. Errm, if i may correct that, they're not actually sobering up because they're still drinking when we arrived at 11.00am morning. So what? They're are tough drinkers. Besides, it's New Year. Everyone is allowed to be out of their head once a year. In our tradition, barging in to one's home while they having a get-together thing is considered fortunate, stepping in with your right foot mean join in!

My old school. Nothing change much. Fun fact, did you know that my father was the first headmaster/ principal/ or what ever you called it, to teach here? Yes, he is.

Village road.

My nephew King Arthur. So easy to make him smile. Strange, i like his not-smiling photos more.

My sister in-law with her brother in-law.

Again. In-law with it's in-law.

After spending some good fortunate quality time at my uncle house we decided to go down the hill because that's where the best river is. But then again, is it me who grown up or the river getting smaller? Because last time i remember the river is much bigger, deeper and greenish.

River downstream.

River upstream.

My orange flip flops. Cost me RM 2. Skid resistance is very good.

A hut beside the river for eating, cooking and barbeque's-ing, prepared by the village people. Very convenient.

Mother and child posing.

My brother is the first one to jump into the water. That my friend, is what happen to drunk people who jump into the icy cold river. He passed out, lucky there's a big granite stone there.

More friends and family come to join.

They made it to the other side of the river. I however, did not manage to. The river's depth is more than 6 feet! I'm too scared. For a moment there, i'm convince that i already forgot how to swim. How can people forgot how to swim? I thought once you know how to swim, you swim for life?

My cousin. Young and taken.

My cousin who have zero body fat. Single and available. Phone no. anyone? And that's my skinny brother in the back.

My skinny brother loves the camera.

Friend's children.

Stray dog whom i believe watcher of the river. Nice and tame actually.

Another shoot of him/her. Almost all dogs reminds me of Hachiko.

One last shoot of Kampung Perancangan before we leave to Kundasang.

I have booked the bungalow at Strawberry Garden Hotel in Kundasang for the night. It cost RM 520 for a night and able to accommodate for 15 people. When we arrived it was 6pm and raining.

The bungalow from outside.

The balcony.

The kitchen. If you're renting this bungalow be sure to bring enough supply of food because there will be no breakfast provided by the hotel.

One of the bedrooms.

Ads break. Strange looking and probably the most hideous skirt you'll ever laid eyes on. Somehow, it's quirkiness manage to compel me thus led me into buying it and shockingly to wear it right away. In my defense, i have no other choice but to wear it after i jump into the river in my khaki pant earlier on. But believe me, this skirt is a hit on my facebook.

Found this butterfly on our balcony in the morning.

View from our balcony.

Morning glory outside the bungalow.

The next morning we woke up is already 2.1.2011. We check out at 10.00am, went for breakfast in Kundasang town. Then we decided to pay a visit to the War Memorial Park. There is a heart breaking story which the park is trying to tell. But i don't want to elaborate it any further. You can read it your self here. I've done detail research about the park and it's story when i was 15 years old as my history project. I don't know what is my point of telling you that. Anyway, there are 5 part of the park, 1st is where you can find all information about the march. 2nd is the Australia Garden. 3rd is the English Garden. 4th is the Borneo Garden. And last but not least is the Contemplation Garden where you can see the prisoners' name, age, state, force, POW no. and date of died.

The information booth.

Poem written on the rock.
"The kiss of the sun for pardon
The song of the birds for mirths
One is nearer Gods heart in a garden
Than anywhere else on Earth"

Mum in Australian Garden. I find the no-stepping on the grass sign is funny if translated to english, which goes something like this, "Please don't step on me or I'll die". Haha! It's very comical that the grass begging for it's life. Get it?

Among other things you can see in the Australian Garden.

White flower.

Semi-bloomed rose. Pardon my photography skill.

Another full bloomed rose.

The typical flower you can find almost anywhere yet i don't know it's name. Is it Daisy?

Moving on to English Garden.

Walls are covered with flowers.

Pink flowers. I guess it's a rose, right?

Another maybe-rose in white. And a bee.

I'm pretty sure that is a rose. An orange rose!

Strange looking blue flower.

A mini sunflower?

My camera-obsess brother.

White orchid.

Small orchid.

Purple-ish orchid.

Strange flower look like red chili. It does not bloom upward following the sun but downward.

This is the King of Paphs.

Contemplation Garden.

Poem which i believe written by one of the survivors.

Last photo of the post will be Mt. Kinabalu, which i hoped and dreamed of climbing.

So that pretty much conclude my 2 days journey which i hope to be the reflection of the days to come. Chinese beliefs that whatever state you're when you starting a new year will be the state you're in through out the year.