Thursday, March 15, 2012


What do you know about hypnosis? In the past, i have always heard stories of people being hypnotized on the street and robbed of all their belonging afterwards. But often when the topic hypnosis being discussed, people (i mean the people around me) quickly to decide that hypnosis is related to black magic. Well, i used to think that way until i saw Keith Barry Deception show on Discovery Channel last night. And yes, it's real. They said that hypnosis was experimented or maybe even practiced by Stalin as well as the CIA. Isn't that scary? The fact the people can plant anything on your mind and you will never know about it.

So that carried me to the iphone apps that said were able to give hypnosis. There's a particular app that suppose to help you lose weight by hypnotizing you. Of course i was skeptical, in the past. This app interest me because the last time i saw it, i made a mental note to myself to make a joke about it later, but then i never get the chance to. So, after seeing Keith Barry show, i thought to myself why don't i give it a try. And so i did.

There's not much i remembered about the session. Only a few things comes to mind, i remembered guide voice telling me that he or she (not sure) want to speak to my unconscious mind, and something about eating healthy, no sweet and fattening food, and maybe an occasional exercise. But the most clear thing i remembered is when the voice tell me to wake up and open my eyes. The session was about 38 minutes, and after it finished i went straight to sleep.

So this morning, i woke up as usual, but i was hungrier than most of my mornings. On the way to work i made my usual stop to the bakery i usually go. I went inside, grab a tray and went to my usual spot where the blueberry cheese buns located. Standing in front of my favorite pastry, wanting picked one but i just can't drive my hand to it. Then, i thought maybe i was just hesitating so i moved on to another spot. This time it was the Nasi Kuning (yellowed rice by turmeric, steamed with coconut milk, and wrapped together with other mixes in banana leaves), and still i cannot bring myself to pick it up. And that time i thought to myself, MY GOD, WHAT HAVE I DONE?????!!!!!!!!

I circled around inside the bakery a few times but even then i still cannot picked up my favorite pastry. In the end, i settled for orange juice and 2 slices of sandwich. I mean, who really eat sandwich in the morning? I thought sandwich only served in hospitals? Even when i'm on my strict diet i would never in a million years make a pass on the blueberry cheese buns!

Life without the blueberry cheese bun taste bland.


But maybe it's just me who overreact.

I will try to buy those blueberry cheese bun again this afternoon.