Monday, April 30, 2012

I hate April

yeah, i truly do.

So, it has been a while isn't it? In the last few weeks i have been working like a dog. It's true. At some point i even think that the only title suited me well is "slave". I was gritting my teeth the whole time and never stop counting the days until i can finally leave this hell hole.

Last week i was at my lowest. The longer i spent my time in the office the more angry i became. I tried to spend more time at the construction site but i will always end up pulled back to sit in the office doing the stupid paper work which are endless! And so it happened. I'm not sure what exactly ticked me off but i finally exploded. To poor Mr. I was like a mad man screaming in the car yelling at Mr, "IF I'M STILL HERE NEXT WEEK, I'M GOING TO KILL MYSELF! YOU MARK MY WORDS! I'M GOING TO DRIVE TOWARDS THE ELECTRIC POST, YOU JUST WAIT AND SEE!"

So, today is the week that i'm talking about. But i won't go and kill myself cause today is my last day of working. And the weird thing is that i'm not really sad or happy the fact that today is really my last day here. I'm more anxious actually. I'm afraid that i would be asked to spend another minutes in this company. If that happened then i would go and jump off the cliff.

I can't be calmed until it's 5pm. So i'm pretty much a grumpy right now.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Cherry Blooming Trip part 1

Day 1

So, after a series of unfortunate events, i finally made it to Osaka in one piece. Safe and sound. It was my birthday when i set foot in Osaka. I was staying in Hotel Monterey Grasmere which is very near to the shopping district. From afar i can see the hotel name on top of the building and yet i spent at least an hour circling the same area trying to find the hotel entrance, which located at the 22nd floor.

After checked in i straight away hit the bed. I haven't had any sleep from the day before and it was very unusual of me not to sleep during the flight. The flight from KL to Osaka takes about 6 hours and i did not fall asleep once. Strange, right? And another strange thing happened after i checked in, when i'm about to dozed off the phone rang and the receptionist told me that a guy named Mr. Park was looking for me. I asked the receptionist what does the guy want and the she told me that she have no idea (of course right, she was just conveying a message). Then i told her that i've just arrived and i didn't know anybody in Osaka, and no one know that i'm in Osaka except my family. Then i let her deal with the guy herself.

I woke up at noon and start walking around the hotel area. Guided by the iphone map i arrived in Shinsaibashi. One of the longest shopping arcade i ever walked. Was is tiring? Hell, yes it was tiring. I almost thought that people could die from too much walking. Was it fun? It was so-so. It was fun in the beginning, but the more i walked the more bored i became. It's all fashion stores all the way. I think my mum can spend a week here. I didn't even finished walking the whole arcade. I turned back the moment i saw the  LV building. It was just too depressing to go further. Everyone is so fashionable. And everyone is so pretty. Even a grandma was fashionable than me. And there is no way in thousand years that i could ever complete with the mothers at Shinsaibashi.

But it was not all bad for me. I did find some stores that i like. 2 to be exact. One is the antique books shop and another is the fabric shop. Aside from old japanese books, the antique book store is also selling old paintings. This is the thing that draws me in. I could spend hours in a place like this. When i started looking at the paintings the shop owner straight away come to me and give me a chair. How convenient is that? In the end, i bought 2 woodblock paintings. I only buy things that speak to me.

One of my loot.

Day 2

The day for hanami. And also the day the North Korea expected to launch their rocket. But if i were to die today, i wont have any regret cause i have seen the sakura bloom. O, i tell you, the sight simply amazing, spectacular, magnificent, mind blowing and etc! The moment i set foot in Osaka Castle Park, i thought i've stepped in some kind of fairytale world, cause everything was in soft pink colour! Not only that the place itself is romantic but it is also drawing you to be romantic as well. I could have said "yes" to any proposal in this place. When i was here, i did saw 3 couples taking their pre-wedding photos. And never in my entire life i ever see guys so excited just as much as i am about pink flower. That's the power of sakura blooming.

More sakura trees ahead. This is just the entrance of the pinkish madness.

Day 3

I thought of visiting Hyogo or Kyoto today but i cancelled because i actually don't really care about fulfilling my itinerary. Call it lazy or rebellious, i just don't care. This was supposed to be my leisure trip. So, Kyoto can wait till next time.

So instead, i decided to visit Kinokuniya book store at Umeda. So i splurge a bit. There's nothing wrong with that right?

Part 2 of my blabbering will be posted once i go back home. Or sooner if i'm bored. Or maybe a bit late if i'm busy. 

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Silver Lining

I have a sad story to tell.

I missed my flight to Osaka last night. To quote Emily Dickinson, i am a kin to bad luck.

I have a connecting flight from Sandakan - Kuala Lumpur - Osaka last night. Knowing Airasia's reputation, i wisely arranged for 12 hours transit just to be safe. But who knows that even 12 hours was not enough. My flight from Sandakan was initially at 1200 hours and i was suppose to fly to Osaka at 0100 hours the next day, but fate decided to have fun with me and had me missed the plane. The story was, Airasia re-timed my flight at 1200 hours to 1620 hours. But 1620 was still okay for me cause i will able to catch the following flight. Then the dice was thrown again and this time i was informed that the plane suffered some technical difficulties and my flight delayed until 2200 hours. If i were to wait until 2200 hours i knew for sure that my hope of being at Osaka the next day was toasted. So i have requested for an earlier flight which supposed to leave Sandakan at 2105 hours. That way i still can catch my next flight cause Sandakan - Kuala Lumpur journey is approximately 3 hours. For your info, Sandakan have only 3 flights daily to Kuala Lumpur. By reserving a seat for the 2105 hours flight, i thought i was saved. But fate wasn't done with me. Again, the 2105 hours flight was delayed for an hour due to weather difficulties and i knew that i'm officially toasted. But you see, i'm the kind of person that believe in miracle. So i boarded the plane anyway, hoping that the plane to Osaka suffered some delay as well. But poor me.

The fact that the plane leave without me was the climax in my sad story. But that was not the complete sad story. There were still some cherries and peanuts along with the main course. For instance, before flying to Kuala Lumpur, i met my boss at Sandakan airport. was awkward! I'm not talking about my superior, or my manager, the boss i see everyday at work. I'm talking about the Big Boss, the CEO, the owner of the company i'm working at. And if the boss is a guy i can easily turned the meeting around by just being cute (don't judge me), but that is not the case. This is a She-Boss. So i decided to just be myself and not a kiss-a**. Our immediate conversation was about the reason why i'm leaving her company. Couldn't be more awkward than that, right?

Right now, i still have 10 hours before my flight to Osaka, so i'll just continue torturing your brain with my story. Don't hate me, i'm so lonely that i have no one to talked to. So, just bear another half an hour with me, okay?

So, let us continue. After the dangerous encounter with my boss, the flight to Kuala Lumpur was no pleasant journey either. Why? Because i was seated between 2 guys. The guy on my right was a Gorilla,he was so big that his elbow was sticking at my waist during the entire 3 hours flight. The guy on my left was a skinny guy but he seems to emit funny smell in every 10 minutes! I have no idea what the smell was but my guess would be fart. He did went to the toilet a few times during the flight. And i thought to myself that i can turned the things around so i tried to empty my mind and meditate but the baby seated at the back wont allowed me doing so. The baby was crying every half an hour that i can only feel sorry for the parents. So instead of meditating, i was chanting "silver lining" in my mind during the whole flight.

After reaching Kuala Lumpur, i was not surprised to find that the flight to Osaka already departed. The surprising thing was to find i was actually calmed about it. It was 0130 hours in the morning and there were no officers available to help me. I was told that the officers in charged were to start work at 0430 hours. By that time i was already tired of waiting and i don't think i can wait another 3 hours just to be told that there are no flight available for me the next day. So i decided to take the matter on my own. I booked the next available flight to Osaka with Malaysia Airlines on my phone.

So the next thing to do was to get a rest before my flight. I walked to the nearest Tune Hotel which is 7 minutes away, dragging my luggage through the rough concrete walkway, only to find out that there was no vacant room. Can you imagine how frustrated i am that time? So i have no choice but to walk back to the airport to catch a taxi to any available hotel. It was almost 2.00 am and the walkway was dark. You have to go through a kilometre of dark parking lot and i was hearing a few creepy whistles along the way. In a dark walkway like that, crime is just a thing that waiting to happen. And i never stop chanting "silver lining" the whole time.

And now that i have my rest, ate my breakfast, safe and comfortable in Concorde Inn, i'm beginning to think whether if thing is finally going back on the right track, or it is just the calm before the storm.

But fate, i beg you, joke no more.

Monday, April 9, 2012

The long delayed project

..finally finished!

I wish my niece was here to help me model this. 

The headless mannequin did not justified the hardship i've gone through.


I have been away for quite sometimes aren't i? Nothing happened. I just been busy. Yes, i was very busy these few weeks. Why? Because i finally handover my resignation letter last month. So, this month would be my last as an employee. Next month i would join a new group. The jobless. But i would be a bit different from the rest of them. Special, i would say. Cause i would be jobless and have nothing but mortgage hanging on my neck.

Why the stupid move, you say? Just cause. Don't look at me. It's all Neptune's doing. I have nothing to do with it. I'm innocent as a baby. I am, really!

I want to explain, if you care to listen. This may sound stupid but up until now, everything the astrology and fengshui predict of me were never wrong. Earlier this year when i read the astrology forecast that i might change my job and even move out of town in a sudden, i too, thought that the astrology has never been funnier. But that's the mystery of life. So during the last transit, i had a change of heart. Suddenly i felt so tired of my current job. I just want to stop doing what i do everyday. The more i tried to contain myself the more i hated my job. The more patient i become, the more disgusted i felt. From the moment the idea of resigning pop in my head, never once i looked at my job and saw Barney's Tea-Cup-Pig. So when my boss asked me of my reason, i told him that i'm just bored. I even exaggerated it a bit. I told him that i would die if i see myself doing the same thing for 10 more years.

So, here i am. About to be jobless. Not a cent of saving. Even if i did save something in the past, everything will be reset to zero cause i'm flying to Osaka tomorrow. A holiday, resignation, money, debts, all that are different things and can't be talked altogether, alright?

So now, what will i do?

Maybe it's time to launch the business project.

Anybody want to loan me money?