Monday, April 22, 2013

Osaka - Kyoto Trip

Last week i was in Osaka with Mr, Mum and my Auntie. It was quite a trip i tell you. Why? Here is why;

The first time i went to Osaka in April 2012, someone by the name of Mr. Park went looking for me at the hotel on the very first day i arrived. Then, this year April 2013 i went to Osaka again, i was greeted by a Japan police detective the moment i stepped out of customs. He asked for our passport and looked like he jotted some notes in his little book. Did not check our luggage though. Asked the standard immigration questions. And he speaks fluent Bahasa! How weird is that? In the end he let us go and help us with the ticket dispenser machine.

Day 2 in Osaka. 5.33 am i was woken up by a loud alarm sound. The first thought come to my mind was "We're under attack. North Korea finally did it!" It took me a while to realise that the alarm was coming from my phone and we were actually in the middle of an earthquake. Everything was shaking. The wardrobe, hangers, lamps, everything. I stayed put on the bed. After awhile the shaking stop. But i still can feel the building swaying. I notice the water in the bottle was still and not moving, but when i stand up i cannot stand still. My body swayed from side to side. Then i realised that everything in the building including the water in the bottle must be in sync swaying along the building. 3rd time visiting Japan, i finally had the taste of 6.0 magnitude earthquake. You know what they say, 3rd time's a charm.

After the earthquake incident, our trip resumed it's schedule as planned. We went to Universal Studio but turned back before we can reached the ticket booths. Why? Because it was madness! The crowd was crazy packed. Never in my life i've seen that much people in one place. Anyway, instead of going to Universal Studio, we went shopping at the longest shopping arcade in Japan (probably). I tell you, it's almost 3km long! Well, the shopping was mostly by my Mum and Aunt. Mr and i had another place in mind. We went to eat the giant Red King Crab! It was heavenly. A heaven with a price indeed. Turned out i'm allergic to crab meat. It's already more than a week after that King Crab and my thighs are still itchy.

Our last day in Japan, i suggested that we should try to board the bullet train (Shinkansen) to Kyoto. From Osaka to Kyoto, it only takes 14 minutes by bullet train! That's like me driving from home to work in a traffic jam. It was super fast! The only thing that i don't like about the Shinkansen that it had a weird unpleasant smells inside the car.

I finally got to check off Kiyomizudera Temple from my bucket list!