Tuesday, April 9, 2013

White magic

Yesterday, was probably one of the worst day of my life, since Miau death. Forest was lost for almost 6 hours. Forest, is an indoor cat. He rarely go outside the house. Except when nature calls. And by that i meant pooping and peeing. That's right. I don't have litter box in my house. All my cats doing their 'business' in my back yard. They are giving back to mother nature by making the earth more fertile.

It was 5:30pm when Forest went to the back yard. It was his daily routine, so i let him be. 6pm he still not in. So i checked the back yard only not to see him there. It was weird because he never wandered far from the house. So i began searching the house perimeter. Still no sight of him. It's 8pm and it's pitch black. I went inside the house sat in the living room to wait for him. Tried to watch TV to keep my mind at ease only to find the TV is actually one annoying b*tc#. So i turned off the TV, went to bed and tried to sleep, hoping that Forest will be there when i wake in the morning. But instead of falling asleep i got more irritated. So i decided to get up and clean the house. 10:45pm i finished cleaning and still no Forest. As i sat in the living room and about to cry, an idea suddenly came to me. Why not try a magic spell. So i did the first spell i find in the internet. And just as i finished the spell, i put down my iphone, and voila...Forest walking in right into the living room.

What do you think?

Miracle? Coincidence?

When i was so desperate in need, i pray for a miracle to happen. And just when a miracle was granted upon me, why on earth i would say it's just a coincidence? I knew there was an angel guiding Forest back to me last night. Because when he walks in last night, he's not like his usual self. He looks like he's still lost. He explore every corner of the house like he's never been here before.

Anyway, here's the spell i used last night.

I know that no one and nothing is or can truly be lost because the omnipresent universe (you may say God) watches over everything and everyone. I affirm and believe that nothing is lost from the universe's (God's) point of view. As I write and speak these words I know that the universe can see my pet. I ask the universe (or any God that you believe in) Archangel Micheal, Archangel Raphael, the nature angels along with the guardian angels and ascended masters of my pet (write your pet's name here)to help me reunite with him. I ask the guardian angels of (your pet's name) to give me a signal so that I may find him/her. I know that as pet is on it's way back to me right now. With harm to none, my will be done.

What ever it is, i know it's magic.