Saturday, March 26, 2011

60 secs

It's been a while isn't it? I just don't have the mood to blog lately. Don't know why. Maybe it's because of the earthquakes and tsunami devastation. It just feels wrong to be happy when others are not. Anyway, all of these recent happening got me to thinking. I remember last time i watched the movie "Leap Year" starred by Amy Adams and Matthew Goode, the hero ask the heroin, if her house is burning and she only had 60 second, what would she grab?'. That time i asked myself the same question. What would i grab? First i thought i would just need my wallet, then i thought again, i would need to bring all my certificates, my iphone, my ipad, my ipod, my laptop, my favorite books, friend's gifts, my clothes which got sentimental meaning to me..and by the time i thought of saving my cat, i realized the 60 secs already gone. Then i tried to decide which one of those items that matters to me the most, and still, i can't point to any of it. So, i just let the question passed. Hoping that i would never EVER have to decide. And then, tsunami hit Japan and New Zealand. Earthquake everywhere. Thanks to the advance technology, now you can literally see how the tsunami unfold it's wrath, how the earthquakes shake everyone to their core. So after seeing all that, i started thinking the same question. All over again. Back to the top. I analyzed all factor in my life, weighed every options, and in the end i decided to grab NOTHING. And i would bet my life on this decision because i'm so sure that this time i made the right choice. Get what i mean? Well i hope you do. Think about it.