Friday, April 1, 2011

Fool Day

I don't think April Fool is a celebration. It's just a normal day like any other day in a year where you put up a prank on people and still can get away with it. All foolishness will be forgiven. Only on this day. But you don't want to mess with me today. Cause today is the 1st day of the 28th day cycle for me. So my muscle around my hip get cramped. A friend once told me that period pain is only like 1% of the pain of giving birth. Now can you imagine how much pain it is when one in labor? With the V cutting and sewing it back, i don't think that i will ever try to get pregnant. Yeah, i'm pretty sure that i don't ever want to. Unless i made a mistake. I'm a pro-life, you know. Even if i'm scared of needles, terrified of the cutting, i will never ever consider an abortion. But i would totally understand those who have gone through abortion before. They must have their reasons. Such journeys are not managed without hard decisions.

Anyway, lets talk about something else. Even though i'm in pain right now, i'm still happy. I have no reasons being happy. I just am. I want to share with you a fengshui calendar. It help you to pick which good day to cut your hair. This is only applicable in April 2011.

I know the quality is poor. I have yet to learn how to print screen on my ipad. You probably have to click on the photo to have a larger view. It's up to you whether you want to believe it or not. 90% of my friends and colleagues don't believe this kind of stuff. As for me, i dig in this fengshui thing. The chinese believe that there are 3 kinds of luck, Heaven Luck, Earth Luck and Man Luck. Heaven Luck is something that are predestined for you, the thing that you're born with, and you can't change it. While Earth Luck is something that come from all that around you. In another words, your environment and what surround you are affecting you. This is why people practice fengshui. Last but not least, the Man Luck. It is easier to understand that Man Luck is something like the saying 'what goes around will comes around'. Our course of action will determine our Man Luck. I read it somewhere that our lives are 50% affected by the Heaven Luck, 30% by Earth Luck and 20% by Man Luck. Sound silly right? But i'm one of those people. If i want something, i will work hard for it. I don't do day dream. I might not get what i want in the end, but that's okay. At least i know what it's like to want something.

So, can you guess when i'm getting my hair cut?