Saturday, December 31, 2011

2012 Resolutions

Until a few days ago i have been worrying that i wont have enough time to myself to review 2011 and prepare for 2012. Now that all distractions warded off and i'm finally at ease, i can really sit down and prepare for next year battle.

Unlike 2011's resolutions, 2012's will be slightly different than the usual. I mean, there's been a change of course in direction. Instead of steering toward achievements, 2012 will be all about CONTENTMENT.

So, what i wish for myself in coming year?

1) Free of Debts
I want to live as a free man. I'm gonna strive to pay off all my debts. Then, cancel all credit cards but one. Take no loan. Buy no insurance. And save more. So that at the end of every month, i only have to pay utilities bill, food, and fuel for my car. Well, except for the house loan, i'll be owing nobody.

2) Organize My Will
Not that i have a lot to give away, but still i do have some. I have seen enough cases where families fell apart due to unassigned inheritances. I wont have that ugly scenes after i died. Besides, will preparation is not just about property and money. There's funeral instruction need to be sort out. As for me, after giving it a deep thought, i have decided to go for a cremation, and after that i wish for my ash to be scattered on the sea. Not because i'm terrified of the idea rotting underground, or that i'm sentimental, but rather because i don't want to have any attachment to my former vessel. Most importantly, i don't want people to look at my grave and be sad. It's okay to tear when you miss somebody. But to cry and felt sorry for the deceased is just sadly foolish. And i hates foolish people.

3) More Charity
Yeah, got to do that more. Don't get me wrong, i'm not saying that i got one pure clean bleached pink heart, but it's just logic. You'll reap what you sow. There's no joking with Karma. And to make things scarier, the Payback equation is equipped with some weird conversion factor, which easily amplify the punishment. So, my advice is, rather than counting your blessings, why not start counting your good deeds instead?

4) No more Hatred
As i have told you before, i have a friend whom turned enemy to me in the past. Well, i hope that by the end of 2012 my hatred for her would be diminished. I have no idea of how i'm going to achieve that, because right now i'm nothing but a sleeping super-volcano. I haven't gone amok (yet), but from the surface you can already hear the rumbling sound from beneath, a little earthquakes here and there, and on some unfortunate days you might even see my wrath start emitting smokes. Even so, the good side of me still want to stop the imminent eruption for good. It's very tiring to be angry all the time. I want the good old days back.

5) Find Love
Cliche? Let's not define love. I still don't know what i'm searching for, but i had a feeling that i'll know when i get there. Right now, all i know is that i have this emptiness that needed to be filled. Don't we all have that? It's a pretty common thing. But i'm not just going to sit and wait for it to come to me. This time i will put tons of efforts in. A friend once told me that the reason for the empty feeling was because God's absent in my life. I don't know what to make of that. Let's just wait and see.

My New Year ritual would be just the same as the year before, that is to fall asleep before midnight and wake up noon the next day. So, yeah! I'm excited for tonight!

Happy New Year everyone.