Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Alien invasion

I had a bad dream last night. I dreamed that alien invaded earth and killing us all. But that was just a dream. Nothing more. Probably because of the '21st December 2012' thing. Yeah, that must be it.

Anyway, my mom are coming to visit me today. She'll probably stay until New Year. Not that i against the idea of spending Christmas with loves one, it's just that after the last few years i thought i finally became accustomed to being alone during this time of the year. That Christmas is just the same as any other day in the year. And with my mom being here is going to reset everything.

On the plus side, i love having my mom around cause she'll always keep my house spotless. And she'll make the kitchen alive once again. Yes, it's all good, except for the fact that i tend to gain weight whenever she's visiting. The irony is that she's on my team when it comes to the matter of losing weight. She could talk all day on that subject alone. We don't say pray before dinner but we talk about potion control. Or calories. Evening tea will be served with exercise topic. She walk the talk. My mother is 51 and she never missed a day without exercising. I, on the other hand, loathe exercise. That is why, whenever she's on with her campaign, i'll find a way to rebel, quietly unnoticed. That'll usually involve lots of junk food.

The victory feeling will always supersede the guilt.