Saturday, April 9, 2011

Ignorance is bliss

As my birthday is getting closer, i cannot help but to continue rambling unceasingly. I'm sorry if your brain is bleeding from reading this entry. Anyway, as i say, my birthday is just around the corner, so i'm getting desperate to establish a new comfort zone for my peace of mind. I know that i cannot just let the day pass by and still thinking like a 29. I wish i could say that age is just a number. But who am i kidding?

In my opinion, being 30 means i'm already halfway through this life. That's why this is kinda huge deal for me. Although i'm not sure if i can make it to being 60. I have this little voice in my mind saying that i would not even pass 40. It's like a premonition or something. I told my friend about this and she said to me, "if you're still alive at 40 you better hide in a cave or suffer the embarrassment". Oh i'm so hoping to be embarrassed. And really want to be wrong in this. On the other side, it is a relief not to be alive until 60 when i don't have children to take care of me in my old age.

Anyway, i was talking to my cousin yesterday. I was telling him about my pre-midlife crisis. And by the way, he is the awesomest cousin in the world. He certainly is the most important man in my life. In fact, if i may correct that, he ranked at number 2 only after my father. I have yet to evaluate where Mr. Boyfriend is standing. Can i talk about him for just a little bit more? Talking about him make my heart float in the air. Even his name start and spell with love. He is my medicine when i'm sick, my wings when i'm down, my sweets when days are bitter and most importantly, he is the seasoning in the 365 days. Sound mushy right? I'm tempted to call him my best friend but i think that title not even close to what he really meant to me. For all i know, if it's not because that he's my cousin, he is my soul mate. I know what you're thinking. Don't ewww me. It's not like that. It's just that i feel that i can connect to him. It maybe years since we last talked, but when we finally meet up, the only thing new is the news, we are just as we are. We can sit down and talk about Britney Spear for hours. His topics interest me and mine to him. And he just know how to respond to all my worries. When my father died, i hold up my tears, isolate my self in the corner, and refuse to talk to anyone. But when he arrived at my house, he just walk straight to me and sat quietly beside me. 5 minutes later i brokedown to him.

I simply adored him. And i dare to say that he is the best thing that ever happened to me since i was born. Of course after him there are many more blessing that fall unto me. But he is just one of that marked milestones.

So i confided in him again yesterday. The last time i talked to him was at our Christmas party in 2009. I told him that i was hopeless, i'm barely breathing and it's a wonder why i still haven't committed suicide yet. Don't be alarm, it was obviously a joke. And his reply was,

'yeah, life kinda sucks'.

Then i told him i'm turning 30 next week, i still haven't done anything, i want to be 35 and sated and ready to die, and he said

'35 is the new 25, do what you want'.

And just like that i'm back on track.

So here i am, ready being 30.

Bring it on.