Saturday, November 19, 2011

My affairs with pirates

So, i downloaded this apps called 'Pirates In Love' to my iphone few days ago. If you must know me, i'm the kind of people who you'll always find lingering around the "free stuff" section. But let me warn you in advance that where i'm going with this does not have a happy ending.

99% of the time, the free stuff is not that free. Yeah, believe me. I know. They're very cunning indeed. And so it is with the Pirates In Love apps. The only thing free in the apps is the Prologue. And i have just the right vice that makes me fell right into the trap. My curiosity is just as bad as the cat's.

I can't stand the feeling of not knowing something. It was bad enough that the relief to my ache is right in front of my eyes, which was just a click away, that each character has different story and need to be purchased separately. It's $3.99 per character. In USD, of course!

So, did i clicked it? What's the odds that i wouldn't? Like zero percent, maybe. The apps is a simulation game. It's a story about a girl who accidentally boarded a pirates ship. From there she'll experiences many adventures and eventually she'll fell in love with one of the pirates.

At the end of the prologue, i was to choose a roommate for the girl. My first instinct was to go for the nicest pirate, and that would be the doctor, Christoper. Little did i know that the girl would fall in love with her roommate. It's logic. To think of it, we actually do have the tendency to fall in love with the person whom we spend most of our time with.

My not-so-happy ending was when i end up downloading all of the character. It was reckless of me, but i can't help it, i just got to know. There are no way i can sleep through any nights and move on with life if i don't know the ending.

Overall, i would say this apps is definitely entertaining. It is pricey, of course. There's no denying to that. But i think it worth the unusually good mood and smile you'll be having afterwards. By the way, of all the pirates, i like Nathan's game the best.

And did i mentioned that they'll write to you once a while through the episodes? Check out Eduardo's last letter after the Super Happy Ending. I almost fell off my chair when i read that. I'm not sure how to react to that. I mean should i laugh? or should i cry? or barf? roll over the floor, maybe?

But i know one thing for sure, that there's a tickling in my stomach!