Thursday, November 3, 2011

What the cat dragged in

Well, well, well...

I have just got back to civilization today, and i realized the world has become a little bit more interesting in the past few days. What am i referring to? Well, of course i'm talking about Justin Bieber and Kim Kardashian news flash, what else could it be?

Reading the headline "Justin Bieber a daddy?" definitely crack the first smile on my face this morning. A 20 years old girl claiming to have give birth to 17 years old Justin Bieber's child. To me, it only comes down to either the girl is a delusional pyscho or that Justin Bieber missed the sex education class. Up until now Justin hasn't denied anything but just shrugged off the claim, makes me wonder whether the girl is just bluffing. If what she wants is Justin's attention, then i'm pretty sure that her name will be forever imprinted in Justin's brain. He has every right not to entertain the request for paternity test. Why should he? Because if he is to heed to this one request, why not do the same for the other hundreds girl that been with him ever since?

For me, false allegation is worse than murder. It's the lowest of the lowest. You think that one who had been falsely accused would be justified once the truth is out? If you think so then you are clueless. No amount of money would ever compensate the damages justly. Once broken it will never look the same.

I had a brother who had been wrongly accused of raping before, so i know both the talk and the walk. The girl just have to lift her finger and point to destroy my brother's life. He was put to jail without bail for 7 days. Police searched our house as if we're hiding terrorist. And i don't even want to describe the terror in our neighbours face. How can you say you don't when people already decided you do? Eventually, the DNA test result come out, the truth revealed and my brother now a free man. Sounds like a happy ending, right?

But the reality is, the charge was dropped because there was never a case. The girl aka the accuser came to our house a few days before my brother was released. She apologized and explained her real intention. She made up the story of how my brother had compromised her and told her parents that, hoping her parents will confront my brother to take responsibility and marry her right away. And no matter how much efforts you tried to make the word "touch" to sound nice, the suspicious brains will always find a way to translate it as an attempted rape. Yes, don't be shocked, there are still people with this kind of mind set living among us to this day. Believe me, dinosaur may extinct but they don't.

The visible damages may seemed minor. 1 week pay burned. Reputation. Sometimes in the future when another case such as this occurred, guess who's the 1st to be doubt? But to me all that are insignificant compared to the mental damaged on my brother. When i told my brother the next move is his to counter attack, he said he simply lazy to create another case. He looked at the whole experience as just his bad luck. His words are, "don't be nice to just anybody, cause some might just take it wrong".

Anyway, that end the Justin Bieber topic. So now let us talk about Kim's 72 days marriage. At first when i heard the news i was so outraged, i felt cheated and i felt like i want to yell to somebody. I may not a fan of marriage but i honour the holy institution of marriage. So when Kim announced divorce just a few weeks after i watched her Fairytale Wedding on TV, i was so angry because she makes marriage looks like a joke. I even made a mental note to thank her for contributing strong points in the future "why i don't marry" discussion with my mother. But then after a while when the voices in my head quiet down, i decided to shift my angle and change my perspective. I don't really like to say this out loud, but once i tried putting myself in her shoes, i can't help but start to admire her guts. She has her own fair share in love. And i'm sure all broken hearts hurt just about the same. Still, she never give up. Yesterday she cried, today she laugh, by tomorrow she's ready to trust again. She is too generous with love, and i think that's her flaw, the same flaw which makes her everyone's sweetheart.

I did a compatibility reading using Kim and Kris chinese animal sign, Kim born year of monkey and Kris born year of the rat, the result was spectacular. Their combination supposed to be fireworks.
Things must have gone wrong somewhere. And there's only 2 people in the world know what is it. So, i don't want to speculate anything, nor did i want to hear what others have in mind.

Is it silly for me to hope that both of them, Kim and Kris, to reconcile?

Even so, i still wish that they would find their way back to each other's heart, just like how they found each other the first time. I hope both of them realized that whatever it is standing in their way to keep them apart is nothing but a monster created by their own mind which they led to believe.

I believe that we are the master of our own destiny. No one can make you do the things you don't want to do. There's always a choice. You just have to be bold with it.

And there is no such thing as "it's too late". Time was never an enemy. Time is what trigger you and drive you forward. So long as you still feels your pulse, there's always time.

So, Kris Humpries, i plead to you, kindly please be the bigger person and start the mending work now. Cause the only thing that matters is who you're coming home to at the end of the day.

And Kimberly, i believe you married for love, your face tells it all, couldn't be more obvious than that. People make mistakes every time. Did you know that aside from love, it is also normal to hate, doubt, mad, envy and do only the negatives? It's the only way to be human. But human's best quality is they're also capable of a great love, the one that conquers all things, surpasses all understanding. It's not a myth. So, what you say? How about giving it one more chance? Blame the PMS if you must, but you got to start patching now.

They're are happy together, that's all that matters.