Thursday, January 19, 2012

It is on!

There, i've done it.

I bought a ticket to see Il Divo in Hong Kong!

No more thinking. No more pros and cons.

Too late for that.

According to the astrology forecast, i'm currently in a very important transits. A once in a lifetime transit - that much important! And apparently Neptune is beating the hell out of Uranus. It is said that Neptune will shakes me that i will likely lose my grip on reality. I am expected to have sudden mood changes as well as clouded judgments. And i think the stunt i did earlier confirms all allegations.

But who cares?!

The way i see it, Neptune is like a gorgeous drunken man who offers you wine when you sitting alone hiding in a shadow at a club. At least when Neptune is in town i have the excuses to be silly and do all the mistakes that i secretly long to commit.

Heh, that's Neptune before he grew his beard.

Maybe i will regret my actions later on, but for now i'm glad that i did it.