Saturday, January 14, 2012

the thing about Forest..

is that, he is not a mere Norwegian Forest cat. He is so different in a way that makes me always wonder what he's up to. There is just something in those cold blue eyes.

I guess it's not entirely true when i said i love all my cats equally. It's pretty obvious that i tend to favor Forest more (just a little bit).


Because he's the only cat who would not come when called. In the beginning i thought he's just playing hard to get, but 2 years have passed and i'm still the one that follow him around like a love struck puppy.

So i simply settled with the conclusion that he must be an aristocrat before he moved in with me the lowly peasant.

And to make me more miserable, his temperament is unpredictable. One day he's okay being petted, and next he wont even let me touch him. But on a good day, the feeling i get for spoiling him makes it's all worth it.

I don't know whether it's just an illusion or what, but when i petted him and he closed his eyes, i noticed something unusual. There was something 'human' in his expression. I was even shouting frantically to my mum "That's a human face! Mum, Forest got a human face!"

And then the strangest thing happened. I went to Bali last year, and there i actually saw a guy that looked like Forest. 


The moment i saw the guy, my first thought was "He looks like Forest". The resemblance was undeniable. The puffy eyes, the reddish nose, even looking at the guy messy hair gives me feelings of wanting to pet and smooth his hair. It was very weird.

It was one of those moments, you know. I was staring at the guy the whole time. I think he caught me staring a few times but either my cover ups were good or he just don't care. I thought of approaching him and say hi but he seemed cold and distance (sounds like Forest?). 

He was napping the entire time, couldn't be any clearer than that right? 

And it's not like i can just walked to him and say,
"Hi, i know it's rude to stare but you look just like my cat"

I never saw the guy again after that encounter. But that got me thinking that the way of life is mysterious. Who knows that i myself might resembles someone's cat too?

Enough talking about the guy. Only Forest matters to me.

"You hear that Forest?"

"One day i'm gonna break down those walls of yours"