Tuesday, January 3, 2012

What interest me?

If you noticed, i added a new gadget into this blog. I called it "Blogs I Follows", which is very cliche, i know. I'm not that creative thus the title.

I found this Japan's blog which is very interesting and very different from other tourism blogs. Anyone who are interested in Japanese culture should checked out this blog.

Here is one of the intriguing stuff i found on the blog. They say..

"Everyone should climb Mount Fuji once; only a fool would climb it twice"

The climbing season at Fuji is from July 1 to August 31

And i'm not that stupid to go and climb that thing.

Now i'm all about Samurai, Ronin, Ninja and etc. And i'm especially fascinated by Miyamoto Musashi story. Don't worry. It's not an obsession. This interest of mine is only seasonal, which soon will pass.

I do hope so.