Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The problem with Troubles

Hisashiburi !

It has been a while isn't it? I know. I'm aware of it myself.

It's not because i'm lazy. O, i wish it was laziness instead because if that is the case then i would know how to turn things around. But it's not. It is much worse than that.

Remember i told you about the transit? I was and i still am in the worst transit of my life. In the past few weeks of my life, i really felt like i was sailing through the unpredictable and merciless seas. Sometimes the waves was rather rough. Sometimes i had a clear view ahead. Sometimes fog appear in the middle of nowhere. To sum it up, my life was in a chaos.

This indeed is a bad time for me. All my vices were magnified ten folds. Even if the astrologer warned me in advanced not to overly do certain things, how can i go against something that already written? And to make it more interesting, it would also meant that i have to go against my nature.

Obsessive, impulsive, spendthrift, perceptive. Yes, i admit, all that is me. But it's not like it was my fault that i was born with that traits. I can't control how i am going to be. If it was up to me i would have picked all the Cinderella qualities instead. So, if you asked me, i say blame the moon, stars, sun and planets instead of me.  How should i know that the positioning of sky objects would affect my personalities?

And if you tell me it's what i get from Karma for behaving badly in my past life, then tell me what can i do to make things right? What have i done in my previous life that entitled me to a thousandths life repetition? Was i really evil then? Maybe i did kill an entire country population.

There were quite a few interesting things happened to me in the past few weeks. And i will tell you that someday. But not today.

Anyway, so i was thinking, yesterday, a bright idea suddenly flashed into my brain. Before flying to Hong Kong to catch up Il Divo's performance, why don't i make a stop in Singapore and watch the Wizard of Oz? I cannot apply leave from my work too many times in a month. But i think i can apply a longer leave. What do you think? Never mind about being impulsive and spendthrift for i have already accepted that fact about me and make peace with it.

Then it will be wickedly wicked!
